2007年10月12日 星期五

afternoon tea or Nachmittagskaffee (Afternoon Coffee)

afternoon tea (2007925 星期二)

afternoon tea noun [C or U] MAINLY UK
a small meal eaten in the late afternoon, usually including cake and a cup of tea


2007/10/13 補充:10月起開始有blog the world of tea


第一次老友多邀兩家來吃飯 其中有一家經營 Mr. Tea

可能是很大的oem供應商 我查 Oxford 竟然沒有 類似 Oxford Companion to Wine 所以開始筆記 二周之後 我發現資料太多 甘脆來個blog 看看

剛剛讀到Wikipedia的 :


In Germany the traditional intake of sustenance in the afternoon is called Kaffee (coffee), Nachmittagskaffee (Afternoon Coffee) or Kaffee und Kuchen (coffee and cake). Only sweet foodstuffs are served, with cream-based cakes taking priority (such as Black Forest gateau),

--tea (MEAL)
