2016年9月1日 星期四

Lipton Saveurs du Soir Grand Sud. Delicious infusion of leaf goodness, theanine.

Lipton Yellow Label Tea
Delicious infusion of leaf goodness, theanine.

Lipton Saveurs du Soir Grand Sud is different than tradtional infusions because of it's mysterious flavor, persistant and original, a flavor of mint leaves and licorice. 


Infusion is the process of extracting chemical compounds or flavors from plant material in a solvent such as water, oil or alcohol, by allowing the material to remain suspended in the solvent over time (a process often called steeping). An infusion is also the name for the resultant liquid. The process of infusion is distinct from decoction, which involves boiling the plant material, or percolation, in which the water passes through the material (as in a coffeemaker).
1 [C][U](思想・感情などの)注入, 導入, 鼓吹((of ...)).
2 [C]注入[導入, 混入]物;混合物.
3 薬湯, 煎(せん)じ液, (水による生薬の)煎じ出し, 振り出し;浸剤.
4 《医学》注入(液), 注射.

infusion[名詞]1 (思想・感情などの)(…への)注入,導入,鼓吹((into ...)) the infusion of a sense of responsibility into a person...英和大辞典
infusion《名詞》(1)注入;浸出 (2)【医学】点滴;注入物;浸出液


Theanine (pronounced /ˈθiːəniːn/; gamma-glutamylethylamide, or 5-N-ethyl-glutamine) is a glutamic acid analog or amino acid derivative commonly found in tea (infusions of Camellia sinensis), primarily in green tea,[1] and also in the basidiomycete mushroom Boletus badius.[2] More specifically, this compound is called L-theanine, being the levorotary enantiomer. In 1950, the tea laboratory of Kyoto successfully separated theanine from gyokuro leaf, which has the highest theanine content among all teas. Theanine is an analog to glutamine and glutamate, and can cross the blood-brain barrier.[3] It is sold in the US as a dietary supplement, and is FDA confirmed as Generally recognized as safe (GRAS).[4] The Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare approved the use of theanine for universal consumption in 1964.[5]
