你聽過「coffee cabinet」這種飲料嗎?即使你沒聽過這種飲料,你可能也喝過很類似的東西,只是名稱不同而已,有些地方可能叫它咖啡奶昔。這種冰淇淋飲料是羅德島的招牌,歷史可追溯到二次世界大戰。羅德島是美國面積最小的一州,如果你有機會到當地一遊,千萬別錯過這種飲料!其實coffee cabinet的配方很簡單,用咖啡糖漿、冰淇淋、和牛奶就可以調製出來。雖然這種飲料在當地人氣很旺,但是它的起源,還有為什麼要叫coffee cabinet,至今仍然是一個謎。更多資訊請見:http://goo.gl/cmlK4l 對羅德島有興趣? 請看: http://goo.gl/2dOiY4#DestinationUSA
Have you ever tried a "coffee cabinet"? Chances are, even if you have never heard of it, you've probably tasted something like it. You might have called it something else, like a coffee milkshake. This ice cream beverage with the quirky name is a Rhode Island staple, dating back to the World War II era. Rhode Island is the smallest state in the United States. If you go there, give this drink a try! The coffee cabinet ingredients list is pretty simple: It's just coffee syrup, ice cream and milk. But despite its popularity, the origins of the drink – and its name – remain a mystery. Learn more: http://goo.gl/cmlK4l orhttp://goo.gl/2dOiY4