2012年5月26日 星期六


有機喝茶趣 - 財團法人慈心有機農業發展基金會-有機天地

... 茶園走走,途中遇見一位在許姓農友,他也在自己的土地上種有機茶,相談之下,他得知這一群人是慈心基金會的義工,許農友語重心長地說:「坪林山區是翡翠水庫...

2012年5月24日 星期四

樹齢300年の木で茶摘み 藤枝市の茶農家で100歳の平口猛志さん

5月19日 20時0分



2012年5月18日 星期五

Philip Treacy 帽飾為靈感果仁糖夾心小泡芙Princess Beatrice hat turned into a praline profiterole

座落於倫敦騎士橋的The Berkeley,擁有市內唯一的天台泳池及水療中心,在此享用午茶,氛圍格外舒適安逸。這回的皇室點心依然琳瑯滿目,其中一款果仁糖夾心小泡芙,就是以碧翠絲公主於威廉王子大婚上所配戴、成為話題的Philip Treacy 帽飾為靈感;而英女皇在1953 年加冕 ...

Well, I'll eat my hat! Royal Diamond Jubilee afternoon tea sees THAT Princess Beatrice hat turned into a praline profiterole

By Deborah Arthurs

Jubilee fever is gaining pace, and establishments across the nation are lining up to show their appreciation for the Queen.

The latest to create a fitting tribute for Her Majesty is the Berkeley Hotel in London's Knightsbridge, whose iconic Pret-a-Portea has been feeding fashionistas (yes, they do eat!) for years with minute edible versions of fashion classics.

From miniature Mulberry bags to Jimmy Choo shoes, the Pret-a-Portea collection has charted the changing face of fashion through its confectionary.

And now, the tea is set to honour the lady of the moment - Queen Elizabeth - with a specially designed Royal Jubilee tea called The Royal Collection.
Hats off to her! The Royal Collection has been created to celebrate the Queen's 60 years on the throne, and includes hats worn by the Queen, as well as Beatrice's infamous 'pretzel' hat and the Queen's beloved Launer bag
Hats off to her! The Royal Collection has been created to celebrate the Queen's 60 years on the throne, and includes hats worn by the Queen, as well as Beatrice's infamous 'pretzel' hat
Tasty tribute: Princess Beatrice's Philip Treacy hat has been recreated at The Berkeley in the shape of a praline profiterole

To mark the Queen's six decades on the throne, The Berkeley Hotel's pastry chefs will be magicking up biscuits, fancies and choux buns in the form of the most memorable hats worn by the Royal Family.


And brilliantly capturing the millinary zeitgeist, The Royal Collection will include a praline profiterole inspired by Princess Beatrice's infamous Philip Treacy royal wedding hat.

The clever pastry chefs have also rendered in vanilla biscuit form Queen Elizabeth’s legendary Imperial crown, worn for her coronation in 1953, which is adorned with intricate icing and sugar diamonds.

I'll eat my hat! The Berkeley Hotel's Pret-a-Portea collection includes miniatures of Royal headgear
I'll eat my hat! The Berkeley Hotel's Pret-a-Portea collection includes miniatures of Royal headgear

Angela Kelly’s Canadian maple leaf hat, worn by Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge in Canada, has been carefully prepared in the form of a bright red strawberry panna cotta macaroon, and a stately blueberry hat cake with sugar roses and green leaves is inspired by a design by Rachel Trevor-Morgan, one Queen Elizabeth’s favourite British milliners.

Other royal show-stoppers making an appearance on The Berkeley’s tea stand include Gina Foster’s memorable fascinator worn by Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge at Zara Philip’s wedding; a light pink floral-trim hat, recently worn by Queen Elizabeth in Canada, and of course a black Launer London handbag cake as carried by Queen Elizabeth at the Royal Wedding, complete with its unmistakeable gold clasp.

The tribute is made all the more fitting given the monarch's predilection for a well-chosen hat.

The Queen is believed to have worn more than 5,000 hats since she was crowned in 1952 - not all of them rendered in sugar here, of course.

Hats off to her! The Royal Collection has been created to celebrate the Queen's 60 years on the throne, and includes hats worn by the Queen, as well as Beatrice's infamous 'pretzel' hat
Hats off to her! The Royal Collection has been created to celebrate the Queen's 60 years on the throne and includes hats worn by the Queen, as well as Beatrice's infamous 'pretzel' hat and the Queen's beloved Launer bag

Klaus Kabelitz, General Manager at The Berkeley commented: 'It is most definitely an exciting year for London and we had to think of a unique way to pay tribute to the Queens’s Diamond Jubilee.

'Our fashion inspired afternoon tea has always been a favourite with visitors and Londoners alike and we felt this was the perfect way to join in the nationwide celebration in June. The Berkeley is only a stones-throw from Buckingham Palace and I will personally be making a celebratory afternoon tea delivery to mark this special occasion!'

Prêt-à-Portea – The Royal Collection will be served in The Caramel Room at The Berkeley from 1-6pm from 29 May to 9 June 2012, priced at £36.50 per person. (£46.50 including a glass of Laurent Perrier champagne, or alternatively for the fashion conscious, £53.00 per person including a glass of couture champagne).

To make a reservation for Prêt-à-Portea call 020 7235 6000. Visit www.the-berkeley.co.uk for more information on afternoon tea at the Berkeley.


遊会』新茶 - 中央区観光協会
店頭に「謹賀新茶」と染め抜かれた若草色のバナーが飾られた うおがし銘茶 築地新店・ の実倶楽部では、5月14日(月)~19日(土)の期間(10:00~17:00)、『 ... 1月「新春」 、3月「春」、7月「夏」、10月「秋」と並び年5回開かれる恒例の『遊会』のひとつ。


[サム] 2012年5月15日 15:00

R0018815LS.JPG R0018810RS.JPG 店頭に「謹賀新茶」と染め抜かれた若草色のバナーが飾られた うおがし銘茶 築地新店・茶の実倶楽部では、5月14日(月)~19日(土)の期間(10:00~17:00)、『茶遊会』新茶 '新茶は三里行っても飲め' イベントが開催されています。(500円/人)
尚今年は15周年記念として、6月14日~16日に 「茶の実まつり」初夏の宴 が予定されています。

5F摘茶楼: 茶摘み体験、新芽天ぷら、金の焙じ茶、清酒「開運」 (写真上段左)
4F実茶楼: 築地新店限定「茶の実倶楽部」+茶請け (写真上段右)
3F美新楼: 「しゃん」vs.「にゅう」 (写真下段中)
2F向後階: 築地新店限定「これから」+新茶だんご (写真下段右)
1F風流階: 自然栽培茶」

    R0018800RS.JPG   R0018803RS.JPG   R0018804RS.JPG
    R0018805RS.JPG   R0018807RS.JPG   R0018808RS.JPG

2012年5月17日 星期四


客去茶甘留舌本 睡餘書味在胸中

漢詩の傍らで: 陸游詩集6



病起罷觀書 袖手清夜永 
四鄰悄無語 燈火正淒冷 
山童亦睡熟 汲水自煎茗 
鏘然轆轤聲 百尺鳴古井 
肺腑凜清寒 毛骨亦蘇省 
歸來月滿廊 惜踏疏梅影 




茶山丈人厭囂嘩 幅巾每訪博士家 
小亭談笑不知暮 往往城上聞吹笳 
興來傑作粲珠璧 歲久妙墨亡龍蛇 
郎君弟子多白發 回頭日月如奔車 
徐卿赤城古仙子 十年四海推才華 
覽觀陳迹喜不寐 旋補罅漏支傾斜 
曲池還浸古來月 叢莽忽見當時花 
重題舊句照高棟 力振風雅排淫哇 
席間紵袍已散鵠 堂上講鼓初停撾 
速宜力置竹葉酒 不用更瀹桃花茶 



末俗紛紛只自謾 惟公肯向靜中觀 
閑看此事從何得 正自他人著力難 
茶熟松風生石鼎 香殘雲縷遶蒲團 
江湖多少癡禪衲 蹋破青鞋覓話端 



身如魚鳥出池籠 常在陂湖草莽中 
簫鼓相聞村社密 桑麻無際歲時豐 
市墟買酒何人識 僧合煎茶欠客同 
久欲瀟湘寄清嘯 它年一棹莫匆匆 



四顧茫茫水接天 幽居真個似乘船 
月窓竹影連棲鵲 露井桐聲帶斷蟬 
甘寢每憎茶作祟 清狂直以酒爲仙 
形骸那得常羈束 六十年來又二年 



一棹秋風去已遲 釣竿恐失野人期 
朝回補睡尋幽夢 客去偷閑練近詩 
浮世本知緣苦薄 頹齡已與志俱衰 
平生所慕孤山老 剩欲懷茶奠舊祠 



病齒已兩旬 日夜事醫藥 
對食不能舉 況複議杯酌 
平生外形骸 常恐墮貪著 
時時鄰曲來 尚不廢笑謔 
青燈耿窓戶 設茗聽雪落 
不飣栗與梨 猶能烹鴨腳 



一州佳處盡裴回 惟有東丁院未來 
身是江南老桑苧 諸君小住共茶杯 


雪芽近自峨嵋得 不減紅囊顧渚春 
旋置風爐清樾下 它年奇事記三人 



堂靜僧閑普請疏 爐紅氈暖放參余 
蓮花池上容投社 椰子身中悔著書 
茶試趙坡如潑乳 芋來犀浦可專車 
放翁一飽真無事 擬伴園頭日把鉏 



2012年5月14日 星期一

紅茶間諜 For All the Tea in China: How England Stole the Tea

For All the Tea in China: How England Stole the World's Favorite Drink and Changed History 

A dramatic historical narrative of the man who stole the secret of tea from China

In 1848, the British East India Company, having lost its monopoly on the tea trade, engaged Robert Fortune, a Scottish gardener, botanist, and plant hunter, to make a clandestine trip into the interior of China—territory forbidden to foreigners—to steal the closely guarded secrets of tea horticulture and manufacturing. For All the Tea in China is the remarkable account of Fortune's journeys into China—a thrilling narrative that combines history, geography, botany, natural science, and old-fashioned adventure.

Disguised in Mandarin robes, Fortune ventured deep into the country, confronting pirates, hostile climate, and his own untrustworthy men as he made his way to the epicenter of tea production, the remote Wu Yi Shan hills. One of the most daring acts of corporate espionage in history, Fortune's pursuit of China's ancient secret makes for a classic nineteenth-century adventure tale, one in which the fate of empires hinges on the feats of one extraordinary man.

From Booklist

*Starred Review* Through the adventures of Robert Fortune, a nineteenth-century plant hunter, the reader learns a delicious brew of information on the history of tea cultivation and consumption in the Western world. Rose’s book is certain to draw the attention of history buffs, foodies, avid travel-literature fans, followers of popular science, and perhaps even business-interest book consumers as she reconstructs what she posits as the “greatest theft of trade secrets in the history of mankind.” Tea was grown in China. Great Britain wanted tea. But trying to trade with the Celestial Empire was like pulling teeth. So the East India Company sent hunter Fortune, undercover (dressed in mandarin robes), to penetrate the depths of China and surreptitiously gather—steal, in other words—seeds and young plants and send them to India, where they would flourish in soil that was part of the British Empire. The author’s bold conclusion to this remarkably riveting tale is that Fortune’s “actions would today be described as industrial espionage,” but nevertheless he “changeed the fate of nations.” --Brad Hooper


"A wonderful combination of scholarship and storytelling"
-Guy Raz, NPR host All Things Considered.

"With her probing inquiry and engaging prose, Sarah Rose paints a fresh and vivid account of life in rural 19th-century China and Fortune''s fateful journey into it...if ever there was a book to read in the company of a nice cuppa, this is it."
-Washington Post

"The plot for Sarah Rose''s For All the Tea in China seems tailor-made for a Hollywood thriller...a story that should appeal to readers who want to be transported on a historic journey laced with suspense, science and adventure."
-Associated Press

"An enthusiastic tale of how the humble leaf became a global addiction."
-The Financial Times

"A delicious brew of information on the history of tea cultivation and consumption in the Western world...a remarkably riveting tale."
-Booklist, (starred review)

"In For All the Tea in China, the most eventful era of the tea plant gets the inspired treatment it deserves."
-Minneapolis Star Tribune

"Sarah Rose steeps us in the story of Robert Fortune."
-National Geographic Traveler

"Pause to reflect that the tea you are enjoying is totally hot - as in, stolen! Nabbed! Ripped off! Nothing more than the subject of international corporate espionage!"
-Chicago Sun Times

"In this lively account of the adventures (and misadventures) that lay behind Robert Fortune''s bold acquisition of Chinese tea seedlings for transplanting in British India, Sarah Rose demonstrates in engaging detail how botany and empire- building went hand in hand."
-Jonathan Spence, author of The Search for Modern China

"As a lover of tea and a student of history, I loved this book. Sarah Rose conjures up the time and tales as British Legacy Teas are created before our eyes. We drink the delicious results of Robert Fortune''s adventures every day."
-Michael Harney, author of The Harney & Sons Guide to Tea

"For All The Tea In China is a rousing Victorian adventure story chronicling the exploits of botanical thief Robert Fortune, who nearly single- handedly made the British tea industry possible in India. Sarah Rose has captured the thrill of discovery, the dramatic vistas in the Wuyi Mountains, and the near-disasters involved in Fortune''s exploits. For tea-lovers, history buffs, or anyone who enjoys a ripping good read."

-Mark Pendergrast, author of Uncommon Grounds: The History of Coffee and How It Transformed Our World.

Product Details

  • Reading level: Ages 18 and up
  • Hardcover: 272 pages
  • Publisher: Viking Adult; First Edition edition (March 18, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0670021520

紅茶スパイ 英国人プラントハンター 中国をゆく [著]サラ・ローズ

[評者]楊逸(作家)  [掲載]2012年02月19日   [ジャンル]歴史 国際 
表紙画像 著者:サラ・ローズ、築地誠子  出版社:原書房 価格:¥ 2,520


 いつも緑茶とお煎餅(せんべい)で埋めているおやつの 時間を、たまに焼きあがったばかりのスコーンと一緒に薫り高いダージリンティーを飲んで過ごすと、不思議に優雅な気分になる。紅茶を飲んで、気だるい午後 をエレガントなひと時に変えたこのイギリス人のアフタヌーンティー習慣の定着は、意外にもアヘン戦争のだいぶ後だという。
 イギリスの綿製品をイ ンドへ、インドのアヘンを中国へ、中国の茶をイギリスへという「三角貿易」の中で、莫大(ばくだい)な利益を得るイギリスと、アヘンの蔓延(まんえん)に 苦しみ抵抗する中国との間にアヘン戦争が勃発。負けた中国は、「本土でのケシ栽培を合法化」へと動いたりして、もがき続ける。
 三角貿易が崩れた ら、イギリスが茶恐慌に陥りかねない。そう懸念した大英帝国並びに対中貿易を独占していた東インド会社は、インドでお茶を栽培するというプロジェクトを企 てる。「最高のチャノキの丈夫な苗木と種を、何世紀にもわたって茶職人に伝授されてきた中国茶の最高の製法を、最高の茶産地から手に入れなければならな い」——そんなプラントハンター役に選ばれたのは東洋産植物の栽培に精通する、スコットランド出身の園芸家・ロバート・フォーチュンだった。
 茶 を求め、中国人従者の手作りの弁髪で中国人に変装し、上海から杭州へと進み、更に外国人に開放されていなかった内陸部の安徽省や、福建省の山岳地帯の茶畑 にまで足を延ばす。アヘン戦争後、「太平天国」という農民蜂起が活発化する前夜の、「危険に満ちた」動乱の時代に、三度も中国に潜入し、その後二度日本に も訪れた。お茶のほか、数々の珍しい植物の種や苗木を収集して本国に持ち帰り、東洋での体験を本にまとめた。かくして一世を風靡(ふうび)したフォーチュ ンの探検記は、本書の一面での裏付けともなっている。
 園芸家フォーチュンの目は種や苗木だけにとどまらなかった。「湯を性急に沸騰させてはいけ ない。沸騰すると、最初はカニの目くらいの小さい泡が出て、やがて魚の目くらいの大きさの泡になり、最後には無数の真珠のような泡になって、くるくる回 り、表面が波立つ」という湯の沸かし方についての一文から、彼がいかに優れた「スパイ」の目を持っているかがうかがえるだろう。
 その目で、「紅 茶と緑茶は、別々の木で取れたもの」ではないことを見抜き、この当時のイギリスの「常識」を正すことができた。彼が中国から盗んだ種や苗木、連れ出した茶 の職人が、150年の年月を経て見事にダージリンティーをはじめとするインド紅茶を育てた。その豊かな香りに、今日の私たちが癒やされてもいる。
 築地誠子訳、原書房・2520円/Sarah Rose 米国のジャーナリスト・作家。ハーバード大学とシカゴ大学で学位を取得。新聞記者などを経て雑誌に旅行や料理の記事を寄稿。本書がデビュー作。

楊逸[評論] 02月19日,(作家)[發布]史國際2012 [類型]

大吉嶺茶,喝,偶爾花與新鮮出爐的烤餅香,時間充滿零食(餅乾),綠茶和米果,總覺得優雅的奇蹟。一杯茶,下午茶的英國殖民統治的這種做法改變了一個優雅的午後慵懶的時刻,他說,鴉片戰爭後潛水出奇。印度的棉織品,英國,中國,說在中國的英國茶“三角貿易”,英國得到的好處(大),阻力遭受巨大的鴉片在印度的鴉片蔓延(擴散)鴉片戰爭爆發之間的中國。中國被擊敗了,你可以移動或“在大陸的罌粟種植合法化”,繼續奮鬥。三角貿易的崩潰後,英國可能會陷入蕭條茶。東印度公司壟斷了與大英帝國的貿易和關注,因此,試圖呼籲在印度的茶葉種植項目。植物獵人 - “我們必須從茶的起源,中國最好的茶葉已教數百年來工匠茶的最佳配方,種苗和堅固的茶最好”我當選的作用將是熟悉種植廠生產的東,羅伯特財富是蘇格蘭的園丁。安徽省和內陸尋求茶,偽裝成作為一個在中國手工辮子的中國僕人,從上海到杭州,一直沒有對外國人開放,福建山區茶園延長的腿。鴉片戰爭後,被稱為“太平天國”農民起義前夕加劇,以及“危險”的動亂時代,偷渡到中國的三倍,然後還參觀了日本的兩倍。除了茶,帶回本國收集的一些珍稀植物的種子和幼苗,在這本書在東部地區的經驗總結。航程財富主宰支持(為主)的一成,也成為這本書因此。不僅限於財富的眼睛園丁種和幼苗。當你熬太快,不要煮沸的水“,首先對螃蟹的眼睛出小氣泡,將左右大小的玉米很快結束,泡沫轉向泡沫,如無數珍珠, “如何燒開水的句子,他是多麼偉大”TE,紡紗,碧波蕩漾的表面或有間諜的眼睛“建議。夾在單獨的樹,隨著他們的眼睛“茶和綠茶,那些”能夠以Minuki,它不是,糾正當時英格蘭的“常識”這。印度提出了茶樹種子和工匠茶幼苗杯,他把他從中國偷,大吉嶺茶和其他精美,超過150年的歲月。其濃郁的香氣,我們今天也已經癒合。精工築地的原因,作家,記者,美國/薩拉,玫瑰原書房2,520日元。在芝加哥大學和哈佛大學的學位。以旅遊和食品,如通過報社記者,雜誌的文章貢獻。將亮相本文件。

2012年5月12日 星期六



淡定:指有泰山崩于前而面不改色的镇定程度,遇事沉稳中又积极果断,老练里却又重视有佳,胜不骄,败不馁; 淡定形容一种勇气。 淡定,是一种思想境界,是一种 ...

2012年5月11日 星期五

Tea Time, teacake

 The terms below all originated in the 1830s and 40s:
Chili con carne
Cottage cheese 
Tea cake

This article is about a type of bread or cake. Tea cake can also be used to describe Compressed tea. For the chocolate-covered teacake, see Chocolate-coated marshmallow treats.
A toasted teacake (right) shown with mocha.
A teacake is a light yeast-based sweet bun containing dried fruit, typically served toasted and buttered.[1]


Regional variations


In East Lancashire, the former West Riding of Yorkshire and elsewhere in the North, a teacake is a round bread roll which is cut in half to make sandwiches. They do not usually contain any sort of dried fruit. They can be made with either white, brown, wholemeal or granary flour.[clarification needed - What is granary flour?] A favourite way to eat them is to slice them into fingers, toast and then spread with butter and Bovril or Marmite.
In other parts of England, a teacake is a light, sweet, yeast-based bun containing dried fruits, most usually currants, sultanas or peel. It is typically split, toasted, buttered, and served with tea. It is flat and circular, with a smooth brown upper surface and a somewhat lighter underside. Although most people refer to a tea cake as a cake containing fruit, in East Lancashire, certain areas of Yorkshire and Cumbria the name currant teacake is used to distinguish fruited 'cakes' from plain bread rolls. In west Yorkshire, a large plain white or brown teacake 9 inches or 225 mm diameter is usually called a breadcake and is used to make very large sandwiches. Many cafes sell these for breakfast or midmorning snacks. In Kent, the tea cake is known as a "huffkin", which is often flavoured with hops, especially at the time of harvesting hops in September. In Sussex, a luxurious version of the tea cake with added aromatics such as nutmeg, cinamon and rose water is still sometimes made and called a manchet or Lady Arundel's Manchet.


In Sweden, the word for teacake (tekaka) refers to a sweetened wheat soda bread, resembling a farl and served warm with butter and jam. It is often served with cheese as well.

North America

In the Southeastern United States, a tea cake is a traditional dense large cookie, made with sugar, butter, eggs, flour, milk, and flavoring.[2]
In the rest of the United States, a tea cake is a single-layer lightly spiced spice cake (often made with buttermilk) topped with powdered sugar and often also lightly glazed on top. It may contain fruits such as apricots, blueberries, or cranberries.


In Australia and India, a teacake is typically a heavier sponge cake. A quick and easy cake to make, typically ready to serve warm from the oven in less than 30 minutes. Ingredients usually consist of always available ingredients in the kitchen cupboard and they are typically flour, eggs, butter, cinnamon and sugar. It is traditionally served warm as an accompaniment to tea. Australian teacakes are sprinkled with cinnamon and fine (caster) sugar, and are usually served warm from the oven [3][4]. Indian recipes avoid cinnamon.

Cultural references

"Tea Cake" is the name of one of the characters in the Zora Neale Hurston novel Their Eyes Were Watching God.

See also

Online magazine: Regency Recipes Customs and Manners

Tea Time

In 1662 King Charles II married the Portuguese Infanta Catherine de Braganza. Charles himself had grown up in the Dutch capital, while in exile. As a result, both he and his Portuguese bride were confirmed tea drinkers. When the monarchy was re-established, the two rulers brought this foreign tea tradition to England with them. Tea mania swept across England as it had earlier spread throughout France and Holland. Tea importation rose from 40,000 pounds in 1699 to an annual average of 240,000 pounds by 1708. Tea quickly proved popular enough to replace ale as the national drink of England. It was a hot item and boiling the water made it a safe drink. Tea became the favorite English beverage after 1750.

Tea Service

Tea bowl or Tea cup and saucer
or Getting a handle on Tea

The first tea cups in England were handless tea bowls that were imported from China and then later copies made in England. The first saucers appeared around 1700, but took some time to be in common use. The standard globular form of teapot had replaced the tall oriental teapots by 1750. Robert Adam's Classically inspired designs for tea sets popularized handles and other Greek and Roman motifs.

Two meals or Three
At first tea was served in the drawing room after dinner, and as one of several beverages offered callers. Tea in the afternoon served with other foods as a snack or meal is believed to have originated from Anna, 7th Duchess of Bedford, in the early 1800s. Prior to the introduction of tea into Britain, the English had two main meals: breakfast and dinner. Breakfast was ale, bread, and beef. Dinner was a long, massive meal at the end of the day usually around 8 o'clock. It was no wonder that she experienced a "sinking feeling" in the late afternoon. With tea's popularity it was the most likely choice as the beverage for this new meal, but given that Anna's brother Viscount Petersham was a great tea aficionado whose sitting room contained canisters of tea in great variety coffee and chocolate didn't have a chance.

The Duchess invited friends to join her for an additional afternoon meal at five o'clock in her rooms at Woburn Abbey. The menu centered around small cakes, bread and butter sandwiches, assorted sweets, and, of course, tea. This summer practice proved so popular, the Duchess continued it when she returned to London, sending cards to her friends asking them to join her for "tea and a walking the fields." (London at that time still contained large open meadows within the city.) Other social hostesses quickly picked up the practice of inviting friends to come for tea in the afternoon.

High or Low
teacupTraditionally, the upper classes serve a "low" or "afternoon" tea around 4:00 PM just before the fashionable promenade in Hyde Park, at which one might find crustless sandwiches, biscuits, and cake. Middle and lower classes have a "high" tea later in the day, at 5:00 or 6:00. It is a more substantial meal essentially, it's dinner which includes bread, meats, scones, and cake. A typical menu at High tea would consist of Roast pork, stand pie, salmon and salad, trifle, jellies, lemon-cheese tarts, sponge cake, walnut cake, chocolate roll, pound cake, white and brown bread, currant teacake, curd tart and cheeses. The names derive from the height of the tables on which the meals are served. Low tea is served on table, which in the United States would be called "coffee tables." High tea is served on the dinner table.

"Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea."
~Henry Fielding~

A Hostess's Duties

The butler and footmen having brought her the necessary tools: tea caddy, teapot, hot water urn and heater, and teacups; the mistress of the house brewed the tea. First she mixed her favorite blend or selected a premixed blend. To brew tea, hot water was poured into the teapot and allowed to sit a few minutes to warm the pot. The water was then poured out into a waste bowl, tea placed into the pot, and boiling water poured over the tea. This was steeped five to eight minutes. The tea leaves were strained out with a tea strainer placed atop each china cup as the cup of fresh tea was poured. Only one round of tea was made at a time, as tea loses flavor rapidly. Each pot was made with fresh tea. The social critic Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, the Marquise de Seven makes the first mention in 1680 of adding milk to tea. Sugar from the plantations in Jamaica might also be added. English sugar consumption reached 12 pounds per capita per year in 1780. It had been 4 pounds in 1700. English crumpets and Scottish scones quickly became associated with the snack. Crumpets might be toasted in the fireplace on the tongs of a long handled toasting fork, buttered, and placed on a plate on the hearth to keep warm.

cucumber sandwichesBy the 1840's these teas were grand enough for a buffet table to be set up with refreshments. Cakes, thin bread and butter, fancy biscuits, ices, fruits and sandwiches comprised the food, while big silver urns dispensed tea, coffee, wine claret cup, sherry and champagne-cup. In early Victorian days, sandwiches were made only of ham, tongue or beef. By the 1870s, cucumber sandwiches were being served regularly.

Tea Gardens
Experiencing the Dutch "tavern garden teas", the English developed the idea of Tea Gardens. Here ladies and gentlemen took their tea out of doors surrounded by entertainment such as orchestras, hidden arbors, flowered walks, bowling greens, concerts, gambling, or fireworks at night. Some famous London tea gardens were Vauxhall and Ranelagh.

Tipping as a response to proper service developed in the Tea Gardens of England. Small, locked wooden boxes were placed on the tables throughout the Garden. Inscribed on each were the letters "T.I.P.S." which stood for the sentence "To Insure Prompt Service". If a guest wished the waiter to hurry (and so insure the tea arrived hot from the often distant kitchen) he dropped a coin into the box on being seated "to insure prompt service". Hence, the custom of tipping servers was created.

Sharon Wagoner is the webmistress of The Georgian Index. Visit her site for a treasure trove of little known information about the Georgian period. A fascinating collection!

安溪鐵觀音 “品牌項目X"


コラム2012/05/07(月) 10:13 

  烏龍茶は福建省武夷山にある野生のお茶から先人の知恵の結晶として誕生しました。18世紀から19世紀にかけてイギリス人が発酵茶を好んで買い 求め、このお茶を「武夷茶」(ボヘアティー)と呼んでいました。武夷茶のなかでも良質の茶葉を選別し、茶の香りを程よく引き出せるように火加減に気を使っ て製茶し、丁寧に仕上げられたお茶を「工夫紅茶」と呼んでいました。「武夷茶」の中でも工夫茶といわれる高級茶がイギリス人に評判がよかったようです。
  そんな「武夷茶」の成功を横目にみていた安渓の土地。安渓にもお茶はありましたが最初は品質の悪いものでした。安渓は田畑を耕せそうな土地が少 なく産業らしき産業がありませんでした。そのため安渓の人々は出稼ぎや海外移住という手段で生き残るしかなかったようです。そこでお茶をブランド化するこ とは地元の産業を興すためにとても大事な試みとなりました。
  おいしいお茶にはふさわしい名前が必要です。もともとは清水茶などと呼ばれていたそうですが、それは昔の呼び名。新しく生まれ変わった安渓茶に は高級感のある名前が必要でした。観音様のお導きで見つけたお茶という伝説を身にまとって安渓茶は「安渓鉄観音」として再デビューしたというわけです。ま るで中国歴史版プロジェクトXのようです。
  烏龍茶は武夷も安渓も台湾も人々の知恵と研究の結晶が新たなブランドを作り出し、お茶の世界に新たな価値を創造したのですね。(執筆者:土屋祐子 中国茶アドバイザー・岡三アジア情報館勤務 編集担当:サーチナ・メディア事業部)

 品牌 - 茶安溪鐵觀音“項目X”的方式〜中國茶的歷史版本:中國茶10:13(星期一)[專欄] 2012年5月7日
“安溪鐵觀音”烏龍茶是在中國最高的美味。 “當然,安溪鐵觀音”也是美味,我想我聽到這句話的地方。我離開的烏龍茶武夷岩茶的茶和台灣風味的味道,我不應該被遺忘,然而。
烏龍茶是一種智慧和研究的人創造一個新的品牌也安溪台灣武義也水晶,我的世界茶創造新的價值。 (司新秦媒體編輯工作岡三亞洲顧問信息中心中國茶裕子土屋作者)

2012年5月10日 星期四


日本で唯一人のチベット医による薬草ワークショップ | 地球のココロ ...
外国人初のチベット医、小川康さんの薬草ワークショップ. 富山県氷見市でおこなわれ た『あるくとであう』というイベント(レポートはこちら)で、『チベット医が氷見のはとむぎに 目を付けた!』という、大変気になるワークショップがおこなわれた。 『はとむぎ』と『 ...




組み合わせが唐突過ぎて、タイトルからは内容が全く見えなかったのだが、どうやらチベットの亡命政権が置かれているインドのダラムサラでチベット医 学を学んだ、日本で唯一人、そして外国人初のチベット医師である小川康さんに教わりながら、氷見市のはとむぎをベースに様々な薬草をブレンドして、自分の 体に合った『My薬草茶』を作るというワークショップらしい。
 1  2  3  次のページ

2012年5月8日 星期二


[名]1 [U](▼種類は[C])(飲み物としての)お茶;(特に)紅茶(black tea);(ふつう乾燥・加工した)茶(の葉);[C]茶の木 a cup of clean bright tea...
tea and sympathy
tea bag
tea ball
tea biscuit
tea break
((主に英))(会社・工場などでの)お茶の時間, 休憩時間. ⇒COFFEE BREAK
tea caddy
茶入れ, 茶筒, 茶缶.在高寒的西藏地區,藏民普遍是喝「鹹」的藏茶。為了方便保存,所以當地人習慣將磚茶「熬」成茶水倒入木製茶筒裡,加入酥油、鹽巴後用木桿上下沖搗,使茶水、鹽巴、酥油三者交融,其滋味香醇味美且營養豐富,因此酥油茶一直是藏茶的代表茶物了。
tea ceremony
(日本の)茶の湯, 茶道.
tea chest
tea cloth

tea cozy
tea dance
tea fight
((英略式))=tea party 1.
tea garden
1 茶畑, 茶園.2 (公園などの)茶店.
tea gown
tea party
1 ティーパーティー, お茶会.2 紛争(行為).be no tea party((米略式))楽しく[生やさしく]はない.
tea rose
tea service
(磁器・銀器の)茶器セット(tea set).
tea shop
1 喫茶店.2 ((英))軽食堂, 簡易食堂.
tea strainer

tea table
tea towel
tea tray
tea trolley
((英))=tea wagon.
tea urn
tea wagon
[名](複-leaves)1 茶の葉, (特に)茶がら;((通例tea-leaves))(占いに使う)飲み干した茶わんに残った茶がらの作る模様.2 ((主に英押韻俗))どろぼう(thief).
[名][C][U]茶菓子. ▼((米))ではクッキー, ((英))ではお茶のときに出す軽く平たいケーキ.
[名]((米))=tea wagon.

 IBM to Buy Tealeaf for Customer Analytics Expertise
IBM announced an agreement to acquire Tealeaf Technologies, a maker of customer-experience analytics software. IBM (NYSE:IBM) has announced a definitive agreement to acquire Tealeaf Technology, a provider of customer-experience analytics software that ...


2012年5月6日 星期日


  • 好色一代男 王啟元, 李正倫譯. 井原西鶴, 1642-1693.

    臺北市 : 臺灣商務印書館公司, 1998[民87]北京中國電影出版

    初版.1994 204年有修正本 
    台灣約1980年代也有翻譯 中國版本前多加一些插圖 
    有趣的書 末節的"閨房摧欲具等很發答 許多地方讀來很好玩
    也可增知識 譬如說 貌如初昔-----"昔"為陰曆三月廿一日新採的茶


無糖茶市場の刺客!? ポッカの新商品“コーン茶”を飲んでみた


今年に入ってコカ・コーラの「太陽のマテ茶」など斬新な商品が登場している“無糖茶”市場。そこに5月7日(月)、今度はポッカから韓国グルメとし ても話題の“コーン茶”が登場。缶入りコーンポタージュのシェアNo.1ならではの“コーンの知識”を駆使したという挑戦的なドリンクを、ひと足早く飲ん でみた!
試飲したのはポッカの「やすらぎ気分のコーン茶」。癒しの中にちょっぴり“香ばしさ”を感じさせるボトルをつかみ、キャップを開ける。ココでぜひ、 匂いをかいでみて欲しい! …というのも、半端ない“コーンスープの香り”がするのだ。母ちゃんが作った、タマネギたっぷりのコーンポタージュの香り…がふわ~っ。コーンスープ好き の記者は期待が高まるが、一方で「お茶でこの香りはありなのか?」という不安が頭をチラリとかすめたのも事実だ。
そんなドキドキの中、意を決してひと口飲んでみると…、期待通り(?)の“お茶感”と“コーンスープ感”の共存っぷり! 香りはまるでコーンスープなのに、トロっとした感じがまるでなく(お茶なので当然だが…)、さっぱりとしている!! 「コーンの香り=コーンスープ」と脳が早とちりするからか、この飲み口は実に新鮮。しかも、コーン好きの記者は、飲むごとに香りと味わいのズレがなくなっ て行き、なんとなく飲み進めるのが“クセになる”感じ。そしてふと香りをかぐと再び甘いコーン感がふわ~……、すっかりリラックスしてしまった。
この味わいは、「コーンスープ・ラブ」なポッカの気合によるところも大きいようだ。「じっくりコトコト」シリーズなどスープの商品開発を通じて、 “コーン”の素材や扱い方を愚直に研究してきた同社が、焙煎方法や抽出方法の試行錯誤を繰り返し、香ばしさをうまく引き出すこの味わいに至ったという。
これまで“コーンを使ったブレンド茶”はあったが、原料素材がコーンのみというのは業界でも珍しいとのこと。コーンはデンプンが多く、濁りや沈殿が 発生するので、商品化が困難だったそうだが、同社はコーヒー商品開発で培ったノウハウを活用し、粒のままコーンを抽出することで、香ばしさとクリアな液色 を実現できたそうだ。
とにもかくにも、この香りと飲み口はおもしろい。少々調べてみると、コーン茶はそもそも韓国では昔から一般的に飲まれている伝統的なお茶。無糖茶な ので食事中や日常飲用茶として飲まれているようだ。トウモロコシを焙煎してお湯で煮だしているためカロリーはゼロ。さらに食物繊維も含んでいるとくれば、 女性は無視できない。カフェインも含まれていないので、妊婦や子供も安心して飲める“万能茶”といえそうだ。
韓国ブームを背景に、健康やダイエットにいいと言われ人気のコーン茶。家庭での煮出し用やティーバッグなど、商品は拡大しているが、今回のペットボ トル飲料化により、さらに手軽に利用できるようになる。約7000~8000億で成熟したと言われる無糖茶の市場。麦茶、緑茶、烏龍茶などで固定化しつつ あったところに、マテ茶などと共に新たな息吹を吹き込めるのか? コーン茶が食卓など日常飲料として仲間入りを果たせるのか、ぜひ注目してみたい!【東京 ウォーカー】

2012年5月2日 星期三

「福岡の八女茶」八十八夜 越後村上 九重園


北限のお茶 越後村上 九重園


雑節の一。立春から88日目で、5月2、3日ごろにあたる。このころから農家は種まき・茶摘み・養蚕などに忙しい時期となる。《季 春》「霜なくて曇る―かな/子規」



やめ 【八女】


八女茶(圖) 概要


Category:日本茶 Category:筑後市 Category:八女市 Category:福岡県の食文化

福岡県茶業振興推進協議会は23日、高級緑茶「福岡の八女茶」の販促に使うキャッチコピー「福岡の八女茶は いい色、いい味、いい香り」とマスコットキャラクターデザインを正式発表する。

