Hillary Clinton likens herself to a teabag and refuses to back down to Obama
Last updated at 20:46 12 ???? 2008
Hillary Clinton: Strong like a teabag
Hillary Clinton likened herself to a teabag yesterday when asked why she refuses to drop out of the Democrats' presidential nomination race.
Quoting former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, she said: "A woman is like a teabag. You never know how strong she is until she's in hot water."
Ignoring calls from within her own party to quit, Mrs Clinton, 60, was campaigning in West Virginia ahead of today's primary.
Although she is likely to beat Barack Obama in the overwhelmingly white state, a victory will not dent his momentum.
Mr Obama, 46, has an insurmountable lead in the state-by-state count, millions more in campaign cash and has overtaken Mrs Clinton in the backing from super-delegates.
Critics believe she is holding out to be vice-presidential running mate or wants to go out on a high after winning either West Virginia or the next primary in Kentucky.