2017年4月22日 星期六




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Matcha in Japan is a boom in Taiwan. At the cake shop, Matcha flavor is handled alongside chocolate and strawberries, and specialty shops of Matcha Suites continue to increase. Actually, the fire is a Japanese tea specialty shop in Ogakura-ku, Kitakyushu city "Tsuji Rika". The momentum can not stop momentum with interest in Japanese culture and health consciousness.

"TSUJIRI Taipei Nobiya breeze store" opened on the 4th floor of the prestigious department store in the center of Taipei City a year ago. Matcha ice cream and shaved ice crowded in the showcase, and the interior of the Japanese style shop crowded with innocent (peel) material was crowded with local customers.

A 40-year-old woman who visited with a friend and ordered Matcha Latte "I love it because it is a healthy image.I like this store because it has a strong green tea taste." I was also interested in how to drink the original green tea and also purchased a set of tea and tea cakes sold inside the store. 錯誤

Tsuji Chirya began business as a Kokura branch of Kyoto · Uji tea wholesaler "Tsuji Tomokazu Honten" in 1923, independent soon after the war. Starting in 1993, we have three cafes in Kitakyushu city, including a cafe business that considers young people, sells sweetness combining ice cream, dumplings, and so on to matcha.

The first overseas shop in October 2010 ...

 台北市中心街の高級デパート4階に一昨年秋オープンした「TSUJIRI 台北信義微風店」。ショーケースに抹茶のアイスクリームやかき氷が並び、無垢(むく)材を多用した和風の店内は地元客でにぎわっていた。
