2015年11月30日 星期一



2015年11月23日 星期一


This bibliography is edited by Digital Library & Museum Buddhist Studies.         Fulltext[全文Correction Contribution

唐代詩僧皎然飲茶詩的茶禪原理=The Principle of Tang Dynasty Poem Monk Jiao Ran Tea poems

Author 蕭麗華=Hsiao, Li-hua



"Looking for Lu Hongjian but Failing to Find Him" by Jiaoran
You've moved to a house backing the outer wall;
I reach it by wild paths through mulberry and hemp.
Along the fence chrysanthemums newly set out
have yet to bloom, though autumn's here.
I pound the gate but no dog barks.
About to go, I ask at the house next door;
they tell me you're up in the hills,
never come home till the sun is low.

2015年11月22日 星期日


◇ 今(23)晚10點 我們的島 公視13頻道/mod

>> 網路轉播:www.pts.org.tw/ptslive/live/⋯⋯


民國58年的濫墾地清理辦法,租約目的是造林,卻演變成獲利豐厚的高山農業, 將近50年過去,出租地沒有一處大樹成林。林務局預計收回310筆377公頃,目前收回將近九成。

>> 了解更多:http://goo.gl/Vli7E5
「不經一番寒徹骨,焉得梅花撲鼻香」經過寒霜催逼出香氣的,不只梅樹,還有茶樹。在大禹嶺一帶,墾農培育出不怕冷的清心烏龍,不但種植海拔最高,價格也最高,然而茶樹的生長地,從前是原始森林…11/23(一)晚間十點 公視 我們的島【解放2650】 更多節目內容請見 我們的島官網http://ourisland.pts.o...

2015年11月19日 星期四



2015年11月12日 星期四

【圖解新聞】飲茶七件事 禁忌你要知




【圖解新聞】【飲茶七件事 禁忌你要知】
【鼻敏感糖尿點算好? 茶療幫得到】⋯⋯

2015年11月11日 星期三

台灣杭菊一號、台灣杭菊二號 花名為:白雪與黃金菊


2015年11月5日 星期四


南投大禹嶺的松露茶園,因占用國有地與林務局展開多年訴訟,敗訴後,地主希望保有父親開墾的老茶園景觀,認為50年的老茶樹採用草生栽培,老茶樹也早已深根,若砍除重新種植小苗,對水土保持反而有所影響,因此向南投縣文化局提出文化景觀申請,表示願意還地但不要砍樹。(松露茶園占國有地 申請列文化景觀 http://goo.gl/LNejUn)
見樹不見林 http://goo.gl/9BK1Tm

2015年11月3日 星期二


ArtSimon Chien
國內茶葉年產量僅 14000 多噸,但是市場需求超過 40000 噸,近 30000 噸仰賴進口,其中越南茶就佔了 22000 公噸,但是我們從不曾見到市場上有任何茶產品掛著「越南」產地。這些外來茶一進口後就像鹽化在水裡一樣不見了。
文/陳德愉 你常喝茶嗎?是一杯 500CC…

Blinded by Coffee

現在讀這篇 Blinded by Coffee,變成幽默作品。

The Paris Review
From an 1888 anti-coffee treatise: “A cup of coffee leaves a night-shade on the brain which continues longer than an eclipse of the sun … Coffee-drinking exhausts the mouth and throat, leaving the face a grinning skeleton, while the body is honeycombed.”

Two ordinary humans soon to have their vision sucked out of them by coffee, villainous coffee.

Blinded by Coffee

September 29, 2014 | by 
scan 5
Two ordinary humans soon to have their vision sucked out of them by coffee, villainous coffee.
Sadie Stein wrote earlier today about Balzac, who was famously enamored of coffee—especially coffee on an empty stomach—as a creative agent, so much so that it probably killed him. On the other end of the spectrum is J. M. Holaday, a—scholar? an armchair scientist? he’s a man about whom Google reveals little—whose sole publication, an essay called “Coffee-Drinking and Blindness,” survives him. The piece appeared in the North American Review in September 1888. Rhetorically marvelous if scientifically unsound, it argues emphatically that drinking too much coffee will make you go blind. And this was not, to Holaday’s mind, mere conjecture. He begins his essay with bold certitude:
I am satisfied that defective vision and blindness will pretty soon be a prominent characteristic among the American people … I make this assertion without having seen any statistics whatever on the subject of blindness. I found out long ago that a cup of coffee leaves a night-shade on the brain which continues longer than an eclipse of the sun. For some time past I have been consulting with different persons in Council Bluffs, who are suffering with failing sight, and in each instance I ascertained that the unfortunate person was and is a regular coffee-drinker.
Indubitable evidence! Correlation does imply causation! Lest you fear that Holaday is a plant—a tea lobbyist, maybe, or a cola manufacturer—he’s quick to note that he was once fond of coffee himself, though he “now feel[s] free of the coffee-drinking vice, and will have no more trouble with it unless I shall again fall a victim to some church supper or to the magnetic blandishments of some buoyant hostess.”
Rather than using the remainder of the essay to bolster his blindness thesis, Holaday turns broadly polemical, and in the essay’s finest section he muses on the deleterious effects of coffee upon our organs, those “little urns of vitality”:
Children that are allowed to partake freely of coffee will become restless, fussy and noisy, half wild with mischief. They probably advance in their school studies with abnormal rapidity. But they hate work. At times they are indifferent about education. Their strength goes to the brain. They grow rapidly, but not aright. They develop into men and women three years too soon. Yet their eyes dance with angelic splendor, and their cheeks glow with vermilion, providing that they started in life with robust constitutions. If they began life with puny physiques, however, coffee will make them slim and ghostly, and their eyes and features flat. Coffee will seem to improve those persons only who have a surplus of constitutional vigor. These individuals will seem possessed with forms and faces of marvelous grace and finish, yet they will fade all too soon, and fall into the hands of the doctor. Coffee has a magical effect on the heart and circulatory system, and for a while produces the intoxication, which approaches that of opium or cocaine. It causes a swift growth and swift decay. It produces beauty and exhilaration, but not endurance. It gives a sentimental strength—the strength that pertains to runts. The best thing that can be said of coffee is, that it has a tendency, like opium, to make lawless persons tame … Coffee eats into the digestive membranes, forcing their glands to pour forth their reserve of juices, thus drying up the fountains of life and leaving in these little urns of vitality the seeds of rheumatism, catarrh, kidney ailment, heart disease, lung infirmity, and abdominal degeneration. Coffee-drinking exhausts the mouth and throat, leaving the face a grinning skeleton, while the body is honeycombed. The penetrative and stimulating qualities of coffee are excessive as well as insidious. But nature abhors anything that leads nature, and will gradually withdraw from it, leaving in the temple of life nothing but a shadow and a name.
Plenty of apparently robust persons will rise up serenely when they read this dissertation, and exclaim: “I have drank coffee forty years, and I am as stout as an ox” … But the coffee-drinker, however robust he may be, will put on a pair of spectacles at a comparatively early period of his life. Besides, he is all the while enslaving himself to a habit—a fact that is full of foreboding. Again, he is surely approaching a time when his reserve force of vitality will all be prematurely used up—a period in his career that will begin a new volume in the coffee-drinking habit, for every cup of it will now fill him with fire, while his helpless desire for it continues to increase. To a ten-year-old boy of this city I remarked, a few days ago, “You must quit drinking coffee, or else you will never be anything but a runt.” He replied, “Oh, no; I couldn’t live without it.” In conclusion I will add, in the language of Dr. O’Leary, that “The thing which we think we must have is always that which is killing us.”
Read the whole essay, if you remain unconvinced and/or unstirred, here.