2013年6月25日 星期二





本書分成日治篇與當代篇,從兩大時期的茶廣告史探討台灣茶的沿革。日治時期的茶廣告主要有東方茶、西方茶和本島茶,其中本島茶廣告多為民間出品, 有助於台灣本土文化研究。而光復後日本人被遣返,日本茶道無法根植台灣,日茶廣告的生存空間縮小,台灣茶的內銷被視為普通茶,僅由雜貨店和小茶商販售。該 時期的廣告品質較日治時期簡陋。本書的茶廣告媒介包括報紙、雜誌、電視、廣告函件等。廣告訊息主要包括茶種、茶器、地址、店主等。茶種透露當時流行的茶 品,茶器可推測當時的飲茶習慣,地址則可歸納茶商的分布概況。總之,茶廣告不僅是茶品牌的推薦、茶活動的軌跡,更是追溯茶傳統的美學與建構茶史的重要線 索。

  • 1.完整保存日治時期台灣茶的史料。
  • 2.研究台灣茶發展史的重要線索。
  • 3.書中刊載多幅珍貴的台灣茶廣告。
  • 4.茶藝家必備的書籍。
  • 5.台灣第一本介紹台灣茶廣告的專書。作者簡介

    本書校對疏失: 頁66  "未曾使而紛失"  紛失是日文用法

    Product of Formosa
    Printed in Japan
    Packed in Formosa

  • 2013年6月12日 星期三


    A Coffee Withdrawal Diagnosis

    Quitting Caffeine Is Now Listed as a Mental-Health Disorder; The Best Ways to Break the Habit

    Caffeine is now worthy of two official diagnoses in the mental health diagnostic manual. Sumathi Reddy looks at what techniques work to reduce coffee addiction, and why some people have a harder time quitting than others. Photo: Getty Images.
    Kim Leadley didn't think much of her one- or two-a-day Starbucks Grande coffee fix.
    But when she tried to go cold turkey to stop the habit, she found herself getting headaches—excruciating headaches, the I-can't-work-think-or-function kind of headaches, she says. Within days, she "fell off the wagon" and resumed the coffee habit.
    "The headaches did make me think there was something to be said for caffeine addiction" and withdrawal, said the 41-year-old Cumberland, Maine, resident. She started tapering off her caffeine consumption by mixing decaffeinated and regular coffee. About six months later, she finally kicked the habit for good after getting pregnant in December.
    Caffeine, that most-benign seeming drug of choice that keeps so many of us fueled through the day, is now the basis of two official diagnoses in the mental-health bible released in May, with a third brewing for consideration. The latest version of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, commonly referred to as DSM-5, includes both caffeine intoxication and withdrawal. These conditions are considered mental disorders when they impair a person's ability to function in daily life.
    Caffeine intoxication was included as a diagnosis in the previous version of the manual, known as DSM-IV. But caffeine withdrawal was upgraded in the current manual to a diagnosis from a "research diagnosis" previously, meaning it required further study for inclusion. Also, caffeine use disorder—when a person suffers troubling side effects and isn't able to quit—was added to the current manual as a research diagnosis.
    The designations didn't come without controversy.
    "Caffeine intoxication and withdrawal both occur fairly frequently but only rarely cause enough clinically significant impairment to be considered a mental disorder," said Allen Frances, who chaired the task force that developed the previous version of the DSM and has been a vocal critic of the latest version. "We shouldn't medicalize every aspect of life and turn everyone into a patient," he added.
    Alan Budney, a member of the DSM-5 Substance-Related Disorders Work Group, said the research in support of caffeine withdrawal as a diagnosis is substantial. It is a "clinically meaningful" diagnosis that could be useful to psychiatrists and other health-care workers seeing someone experiencing such symptoms, said Dr. Budney, a psychiatry professor at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College.
    "The symptoms [of caffeine withdrawal] overlap with a lot of other disorders and medical problems," said Laura Juliano, a psychology professor at American University who advised the DSM-5 work group. "We've heard many times people went to the doctor for chronic headaches or because they thought that they had the flu and it turns out it was caffeine withdrawal and they didn't even know it."
    Although caffeine is addictive, many studies have found the drug is associated with some health benefits. Still, some experts say certain individuals should avoid caffeinated products, such as those with anxiety, high blood pressure, insomnia and diabetes. People who experience adverse effects from caffeine, such as the jitters typically associated with caffeine intoxication, may want to consider at least scaling back their consumption.

    When Kim Leadley of Maine quit coffee cold turkey, the headaches were debilitating.
    To be diagnosed with caffeine withdrawal, a patient must experience at least three of five symptoms within 24 hours of stopping or reducing caffeine intake: headache, fatigue or drowsiness, depressed mood or irritability, difficulty concentrating, and flulike symptoms such as nausea or muscle pain.
    OK, who hasn't experienced some of these when they skip that morning cup of Joe?
    Here's the caveat though. The symptoms, Dr. Budney stressed, must cause "clinically significant distress or impairment" that affects your functioning at work, home or in a social setting.
    Caffeine intoxication is defined as having five of a dozen symptoms. Among these are restlessness, flushed face, nervousness, insomnia, muscle twitching, irregular heartbeat and rambling flow of thought and speech. Again, these symptoms must make it extremely hard to function at work or home. Intoxication can occur at levels in excess of 250 milligrams of caffeine, according to the DSM. But experts say most cases of intoxication result from much higher doses.
    Genetic differences in a liver enzyme affect how quickly people metabolize caffeine, said Ahmed El-Sohemy, an associate professor in the Department of Nutritional Sciences at the University of Toronto. Ridding the body of half the caffeine consumed can take as many as eight hours for some people, while others may require as few as two. Smoking speeds up caffeine metabolism, making it about twice as fast, whereas pregnancy or oral contraceptives slow it down, Dr. El-Sohemy said.
    "Some people cannot drink any coffee, half-a-cup of coffee or a Coke will keep them up at a night," said Jim Lane, a professor of behavioral medicine at Duke University School of Medicine. However, "if a person doesn't have any unpleasant symptoms, or any health problems that we know are affected by caffeine use, then I would not try to suggest that whatever they consume is too much," he said.
    Caffeine-withdrawal symptoms usually kick in about 12 hours after consumption, peaking at 24 hours, Dr. Lane said. For most people all symptoms should disappear in about a week, he said. That may be preferable to spending several weeks slowly cutting back, only to find that the final step of quitting still leads to withdrawal, he said.
    Roland Griffiths, a professor in the department of psychiatry and neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, runs an on-and-off-again clinic for caffeine treatment for patients with conditions made worse by caffeine consumption. Treatment involves counseling patients about the amounts of caffeine in various beverages and food products. Patients graph their daily caffeine intake for a week. "Then we get them to gradually reduce their caffeine intake over a period of weeks," said Dr. Griffiths. That can be done by mixing caffeinated and decaffeinated drinks and cutting caffeine by, say, 25% a week.
    Among regular caffeine drinkers who abstain from caffeine, headache is reported about 50% of the time and functional impairment about 13%, said Dr. Griffiths, who advised the DSM-5 work group. But even if people don't have a headache they may have fatigue or an inability to concentrate, he said. "That's why I think the prudent and the least painful way to do it is fade caffeine use out over time."
    For people who don't want to completely give up caffeine, but don't want to be dependent on it, Dr. Juliano of American University recommends drinking it at irregular intervals, and limiting it to as close to 100 milligrams as possible.
    Dr. Griffiths, of Johns Hopkins, said he has caffeine intermittently, perhaps once a week, in relatively small doses. "If I'm sleep deprived, it's a really effective drug. It's very useful if you're not dependent on it because then it's more powerful and more effective and you don't have any withdrawal," he said.
    Write to Sumathi Reddy at sumathi.reddy@wsj.com

    2013年6月11日 星期二

    Ochazuke 茶泡飯的滋味-お茶漬けの味

    お茶漬けの味 - The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice

    お茶漬けの味 - The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice

    この内容が内務省による事前検閲をパスしなかったため、映画化を断念したものだった。この映画の内容の事前検閲はそのころ作られた映画法によるものだが、 戦争に反対するような要素が何もない本作すら、「戦時下の非常事態にブルジョア婦人たちが遊び歩く」ことや「赤飯を食べるべき出征の前晩にお茶漬けなどを 食べる」などの程度の問題でも映画製作が許されない時代になったことで当時の映画人たちに衝撃を与えた事件だった。[2]

    Taeko goes on a solo train journey away from Tokyo. Mokichi telegrams her to tell her that his company is sending him to Uruguay on a business trip, and asks her to return. Taeko returns only after Mokichi has flown. Mokichi returns a few hours later since the airplane carrying him has met with technical mishaps and has to head back to Tokyo. The couple make up while preparing ochazuke, rice with green tea. Taeko realizes what her husband has been speaking about earlier on. She promises never to leave without a word again.

    2013年6月10日 星期一



    1 寄り集まって茶を飲むこと。茶菓を供して話し興じること。 2 先祖や父母の命日に、親戚や知人を招き、茶菓を供すること。
    1 茶の湯で、懐石を伴った客のもてなし。 2 茶の湯に関する事柄。





     その「朝の茶事」が、6月4日より味わいとデザインをリニューアル。エキナカ自販機「acure」、NEWDAYS、KIOSKなどで販売する 500ml(140円)と280ml(120円)のペットボトルは、ほどよい渋みと苦みを引き立たせ、朝の目覚ましになるようなすっきりとした飲み口に なった。パッケージは青い帯と白のコントラストで、茶葉の雫ですがすがしい朝を表現している。
     また、JR東日本エキナカ弁当売店等で販売する350mlペットボトル(130円)は、玉露を使用し、旨みと香りを引き立たせながらも後味すっきり。ご 飯との相性がぴったりなので、出張の朝は「朝の茶事」とおにぎりで決まりだ。パッケージは金と濃紺の帯で高級感を演出している。

    2013年6月9日 星期日












    2013年6月7日 星期五

    Defecated beans used to make five-star coffee

    Food and Drink

    Defecated beans used to make five-star coffee

    Elephants are the latest animals to digest coffee and fruits which are later picked from their dung for human consumption. While the idea may make for good business, conservations worry about the animals.
    Elephants rescued from exploitation in northern Thailand are now being harnessed to help humans enjoy a better tasting cup of coffee. Around 20 elephants from the Golden Triangle sanctuary in Chiang Saen are used in the production of "elephant dung coffee."
    The animals are fed the coffee cherries along with their daily fodder. Later the cherries are collected from the elephants' faeces and washed. The beans are then extracted and are sent to Bangkok to be roasted. The end result is reported to be the world's most expensive coffee, with a cup costing as much as $50 in some five star hotels.
    "When elephants digest the food, there's an enzymatic reaction that occurs," said Blake Dinkin, the Canadian businessman behind the idea. "The enzymes break down the protein which is one factor responsible for bitterness. So less protein means a less bitter tasting coffee."
    Blake Dinkin, founder of Black Ivory Coffee, and employee (Photo: Black Ivory Coffee Co Ltd) Blake Dinkin, founder of Black Ivory Coffee, and 'employee'
    As elephants are herbivores, their stomachs also act as "natural fermentation tanks" which help infuse the fruit into the bean, Dinkin explained to DW.
    After spending 10 years and sinking $400,000 (310,000 euros) of his own money into the idea, the 42-year-old entrepreneur was keen to avoid the unethical production methods associated with another animal ingested coffee.
    The other side
    Kopi Luwak received international attention as it is made with coffee beans excreted by the Indonesian palm civet cat. In recent years some producers have been criticized by animal conservationists, angry at the use of intensive farming methods. The civets are often kept in cages where they are forced fed the coffee beans. One estimate also suggests that more than 60 percent of civet coffee is counterfeit.
    Earlier this year, a report released by Traffic, the anti-wildlife crime NGO warned about the growing use of civets to produce coffee, claiming that many species were already under threat from habitat loss.
    "We're worried that this coffee is leading to more civet hunting in the wild," said Petch Manopawitr, a program manager at the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). "The civet is an unprotected species in Indonesia so consumers should be very wary of trying civet coffee."
    By contrast Manopawitr sees elephant dung coffee as more "innovative," as the elephants are already domesticated and there are benefits for the sanctuary owner which helps ensure the future welfare of the elephants.
    Dinkin says he donates eight percent of his sales back to the foundation to ensure that elephant dung coffee - which goes by the brand name Black Ivory - is not exploitative.
    No elephants harmed
    Coffee berries ripen on the branches of a coffee shrub at a high altitude plantation August 8, 2009 near Carmo de Minas in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The elephants are fed coffee berries, which are only partially digested
    "For the elephant, the coffee is just a snack, it's not meant to replace their diet. Elephants eat about 250 kilos a day and a tiny fraction of that would be coffee," he said, adding that scientists confirmed that the elephants don't absorb any caffeine.
    For anyone worried about the possibility of drinking small particles of elephant dung, Dinkin says the coffee berries are thoroughly washed and tested to ensure the highest hygienic standards.
    After selling out the first batch of 70 kilos, the company has ramped up production six-fold but plans to remain an artisanal brand aimed at a distinguished consumer.
    "They'd have to be open minded, adventurous, affluent enough to want to spend the extra money for the coffee and probably someone who likes telling a good story."
    Already on sale at several luxury hotel brands in Thailand, Dubai and the Maldives, food and beverage managers say customers are not put off by the unusual fermentation process.
    Durian and dung?
    If elephant dung coffee isn't unconventional enough, a pungent fruit, popular throughout Southeast Asia, is also being fed to animals. The durian is often described as smelling like unwashed socks or rotting flesh and that's before it passes through an elephant's digestive system.
    Blake Dinkin with a bowl of coffee cherries picked from elephant dung in northern Thailand Dinkin says the caffeine does not harm the elephants
    Malaysian media reports that an indigenous group - the Orang Asli - wait for elephants to swallow small durians whole, and then follow them until they excrete the fruit. It is collected, cleaned up and sold for its apparent aphrodisiac properties. The fermentation process also enhances the taste, according to reports.
    "It's fair enough to try something new, so long as it doesn't have negative consequences for the wild population," said Manopawitr who is bemused by the idea.
    "I'd be worried if it was creating more demand for strange things which negatively impacted exotic species. That would really be a step backwards, especially when in some cases there is no scientific proof of benefit."
    The New Straits Times reported that some businessmen were prepared to pay up to $300 for the elephant dung durian.
    But whether the odoriferous fruit is an urban legend, animal ingested foods are here to stay. Conservationists worry that as large food companies try to get in on the act, animal welfare will take a back seat in the rush for profits.

    2013年6月5日 星期三

    茶と美(柳 宗悦)




    茶の心、美の本質に深く迫るには、物にじかに「触れ」、「観る」ことが大切であると説く。そして、名器「喜左衛門井戸」を観てその美を発見し、さらに日本 美の共通の基準「渋み」を提唱した、初期の茶人達を高く評価する。さまざまな角度から美を論じつつ、現代の茶人に対する厳しい要求をつきつける辛口の評論 集。


    • 文庫: 368ページ
    • 出版社: 講談社 (2000/10/10)
    • 言語 日本語

    2013年6月3日 星期一

    「キリン 生茶」



    「キリン 生茶」が「iTQiクリスタル味覚賞」を受賞

    キリンビバレッジ株式会社(社長 首藤由憲)は、2000年の発売以来、多くのお客様にご愛飲いただいている「キリン 生茶」において、iTQi(国際味覚審査機構)の「優秀味覚賞」である「iTQi3ツ星」を3年連続で受賞した際に授与される「iTQiクリスタル味覚 賞」を受賞しました。緑茶飲料としては世界で初めて※の受賞になります。今回の受賞を記念して、「生茶 iTQiクリスタル味覚賞受賞記念キャンペーン」を、6月3日から全国で実施します。
    ※ 当社調べ。

     「キリン 生茶」は、発売から14年目となる今年の3月に9回目のリニューアルを実施するなど、評価いただいている味覚のさらなる向上を図っています。旨味とコクが 特長の「深蒸し茶」を新たに配合することで、「あまみ豊かな旨味」を実現しました。今年3月から5月にかけて実施した「旨味実感キャンペーン」のアンケー ト調査では、約50万人以上のお客様に回答いただき、その内9割以上の方が「旨味あり」と回答しています。これからもお客様に「生茶」ならではの新たな価 値を提供し続け、「生茶」ブランドの強化を図っていきます。



    ●「キリン 生茶」(緑茶)販売状況について

    ・Web上の応募フォームに必要事項を記入の上、応募いただくと、抽選で合計300名様に、「キリン生茶 」500mlペットボトル1ケース(24本入り)をプレゼントします。


    磯崎 功典
    50,000 万円
    〒164-0001 東京都中野区中野4-10-2中野セントラルパークサウス

    ペットボトル - Wikipedia

    ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ペットボトルTranslate this page
    ペットボトル (PET bottle) とは、合成樹脂(プラスチック)の一種であるポリエチレンテレフタラート (PET) を材料として作られている容器。 ペットボトルの約9割は飲料用容器に利用される。ほかに、調味料・化粧品・医薬品などの容器にも用いられて