2011年1月29日 星期六
轉載 蘇錦坤 2010 以後所收茶詩
2011年1月27日 星期四
中國吃茶習慣由南至北 約801年
12/17 佛學經典上發現一故事 中國吃茶習慣由南至北 著書在貞元十七年 (801) 前後
年譜長編初稿 2565頁
2011年1月23日 星期日
陸客愛買鹿谷茶 1斤6萬漲至10萬
琳瑯滿目的台灣特產,已經為台灣帶來不少的商機。而最大的消費者、就是對岸的中國觀光 客。他們的消費力可是很驚人,光是南投鹿谷的凍頂烏龍茶,就有陸客捧著現金,一買就是好幾千萬,結果造成凍頂烏龍茶、從一斤6萬塊、飆到一斤10萬,現在 就連台灣人想買,不但得多花錢,還可能買不到!
(2011-01-23 20:00) 公視晚間新聞
2011年1月22日 星期六
2011年1月17日 星期一
2011年1月12日 星期三
2011年1月10日 星期一
2011年1月9日 星期日
The spirit of tea is the spirit of Japan
The spirit of tea is the spirit of Japan
Sueko Matsuda teaches children how to serve Japanese tea. (Takahiro Takenouchi)
If it's tea you're after, here's a tip.
Fifteen minutes by train from Kyoto Station on the Kintetsu Line is Momoyamagoryomae Station.
From there, walk down Otesuji shopping street. Before long, you will be assailed by the fragrant aroma of tea wafting from Matsuda Tokoen, a specialist Uji-cha tea shop founded some 380 years ago in Kyoto's Fushimi Ward.
People lured by the aroma inspect the tea mill at the shop entrance, while shop assistants show children how to make delicious tea. "Through a cup of tea, I want them to develop a true Japanese spirit."
I was greeted with a smile by the mild-mannered 13th-generation owner, Sueko Matsuda, 51.
A tea ceremony parasol protrudes from the shop entrance. Before the children's eyes is a glass pot. The liquid is light green, denoting "sencha" tea permeating in the hot water as the tea leaves slowly decoct. When poured into a teacup and sipped, the tea has a delicate aroma and piercing sweetness.
"It's totally different from the tea I drink at home!"
Founded in the Kan'ei era (1624-43) in the early part of the Tokugawa Shogunate, Matsuda Tokoen is the oldest shop in Otesuji Street.
The street runs from the gate of Fushimi Castle, built by the warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who unified warring political factions across Japan.
It even holds tea seminars for children and parents. Matsuda allows children to hold the teapots, saying, "Touching warm pots, even breaking them is an important experience." "Children who are used to plastic bottles don't know how tea is made. It's no doubt connected to problems in their lives as a whole."
When she was a child, Matsuda awoke to the smell of "bancha" and grew up drinking top quality "gyokuro" tea brewed by her grandmother.
After graduating from university, she went to work for her father, the shop's proprietor, and at the age of 39 she became the first female proprietor of Matsuda Tokoen.
But at that time, bottled tea appeared on the scene and she began to get customers who asked, "Do you have any black soybean tea?" Amidst the changing environment surrounding tea, she sensed the decline in awareness of the seasons and of culture rooted in lifestyle and began to think of contributing to Japanese culture through tea.
Matsuda Tokoen has customers who bring their own teapots to enjoy a cup of tea, as well as foreign customers.
"A tea house is like a salon," says Matsuda. "I would like to transmit Japanese culture, including through the time spent in the shop."
Matsuda Tokoen's English web site is (http://www6.plala.or.jp/toukouenE/index.html).
2011年1月3日 星期一
Tea Tea crush (crush tea tea) - December 31, -2010 business
With finely ground tea leaves, tea fortified in tablet form. I just poured hot tea can be put into a teacup size, earthenware teapot and the teapot is Encording you have no tea leaves. Useful for climbing and hiking. The size of a grain is about 2 cm in diameter. Waorokku are released in Funabashi, Chiba Prefecture are getting their hands on product planning and development. Trial and error to establish the form of tablets, with its stamping technology industry in cooperation with automotive supplier Shimada has hardened into a tablet form of powdered tea leaves were shattered. Getting cement tablets and tea without all the solvent was 100%. Can be taken, such as nutrients and fiber intact catechins in tea leaves that have originally. "steam special tea"and "tea containing green tea, " there are two types.
2011年1月1日 星期六
カナロコ 2010年12月31日(金)21時30分配信
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杜仲を植樹する安間さん(手前)ら。後ろには成長した杜仲が並ぶ=2010年12月、愛川町三増 |
だが、愛川町の杜仲栽培は試行錯誤の連続だった。苗が手に入りにくいため、種からの育成に挑戦したが、発芽しないことが続いた。3年目にやっと、30粒 発芽したが、カビ菌に侵され、全滅。抗菌性のある土壌で栽培するなどし、09年に200粒が発芽に成功した。同年11月には畑で成長した木から実った種子 も収穫し、昨年4月に10粒まいた。12年夏には、“生粋”の杜仲茶が生まれる予定だ。今年末の植樹では、苗木の全部が愛川産になるという。
08、09年度には科学技術振興機構の重点地域研究開発推進プログラムにも採択され、県産業技術センター(海老名市下今泉)が研究開発を支援。同セン ターは「愛川産の杜仲の葉には健康に良いとされる成分が豊富に含まれることがある」とし、成分量の季節変動や適した加工条件を調査してきた。