全民熱舞」(Big Dance)系列活動正在倫敦如火如荼的進行,市中心的特拉法加廣場也變成了一個巨大的露天舞池,500多位市民在這裏翩翩起舞,衝擊「參與人數最多的戶 外下午茶舞會(Tea Dance)」這一世界紀錄。
隨著英國皇家歌劇院樂隊的現場音樂演奏,人們兩兩結伴,一展舞姿。時而跳起浪漫優雅的華爾茲,時而踩出 熱情奔放的恰恰。有的人跳得滿頭大汗,大家卻興致勃勃,暢快淋漓。坐著輪椅的殘疾人士也在家人的陪伴下積極參與其中。
「全民熱舞」活動由倫敦市長辦公室、英國藝術委員會等組織聯合舉辦,旨在通過一系列活動推廣舞蹈、體育 等藝術形式。預計將有超過一百二十萬的市民參與其中。
A tea dance, or thé dansant (French: literally dancing tea) is an afternoon or early-evening dance. The function evolved from the concept of the afternoon tea, and traces its origin back to the French colonization of Morocco.[1] Books on Victorian Era etiquette even included instructions for hosting such gatherings. A frequent feature of tea dances was the presence of a live orchestra – often referred to as a palm court orchestra – playing light classical music. The types of dances performed during tea dances included Waltzes, Tangos and, by the late 1920s, The Charleston[2]