2008年7月30日 星期三


(中央社記者黃彥瑜新竹縣三十日電)新竹縣「膨 風節產業文化活動」將於八月二、三日在北埔鄉人文活動廣場舉行。副縣長彭光政今天在記者會上表示,台灣最環保的茶葉就是膨風茶(東方美人茶),因為它在栽 種過程中遠離農藥,非常適合消費大眾飲用。活動當天有靜態與動態演出,也邀請影歌星表演,內容精彩豐富。




Jun Aoki青木 淳 Tea for two




Jun Aoki青木 淳 Tea for two

經典電影「窈窕淑女」(My Fair Lady)中,Henry Higgins教授和Pickering上校站在書房喝紅茶的場景,左手捧著茶碟,右手輕扶著茶杯的把手,遠遠看來就像一幅美麗的圖畫啊!我心想。





2008年7月29日 星期二


胡適日記全集 - Google Books Result

by 胡適
鈴木先生自輾綠茶,煮了請我喝。這是中國喝茶古法。秦少游詩:月囤新碌淪花瓷,飲罷呼 兒課楚詞。即是一例。 Dema 而no 新得今關天彭譯我的(支那


淮海集 卷十 秋日三首之一




(又音)|ㄠˋ yo(10859)

2008年7月28日 星期一


アサヒ飲料は、中国飲料「アサヒ 青(あおちゃ) PET490ml」を7月8日に発売した。中国六大分類の半 発酵「青」(烏龍茶)に、すっきりとし た味わいを実現する冷涼素材(熊笹、柿の葉、びわの葉 )をブレンドした、さわやかな香りとすっきりした味わ いが特徴という ...

Coffee, Tea, or Red Espresso?

看這新產品之介紹 你我或許期待有天嚐試一番

Coffee, Tea, or Red Espresso?

Red espresso is a tea designed to be ground and brewed in coffeemakers. As coffee, it underwhelms. But as a tea—regular or iced—it's a hit

When I tried red espresso, a relatively new product from South Africa, I was put in mind of a bit that comedian Lewis Black does on candy corn: "It's corn that tastes like candy…candy that looks like corn."

Red espresso, which is sold at Whole Foods (WFMI) and similar stores, is Rooibos tea, which is made from a member of the legume family and grown only in South Africa. It is noncaffeinated, full of antioxidants, and ground to brew in coffeemakers, especially espresso pots and makers. What it isn't…is espresso.

The advertising line that accompanies red espresso is, "the café revolution: who would have thought a tea could play by coffee's rules." And yet, I pay homage to Lewis Black: It's tea that looks like espresso; espresso that's made from tea.

Taste Test

It doesn't taste like espresso. I brewed it, as instructed, in a stove-top espresso pot. It was dark, rich, and strong, and had a crema on top. I poured it into an espresso cup, took a deep breath, and…. Well, nah.

Okay, let's be fair. This is good tea—quite good, in fact. What it isn't, as I said, is espresso. It is to espresso what, say, Postum is, or was, to coffee. Postum, conjured up in the late 19th century by Post as a noncaffeine replacement for coffee and adopted during wartime food shortages, was recently discontinued by Kraft (KFT).

Now, I'd like to step back a second. One's taste in food and drink is highly subjective. I like cabernet sauvignon. But merlot? Also, I prefer microbrews to Budweiser or Miller. Who, I asked myself, might like red espresso? If you are a tea drinker, and you do not drink coffee because you don't care for the taste, red espresso may appeal to you. I drink a lot of tea and a considerable amount of espresso. I have no objection to coffee or caffeine. Indeed, I'd go so far as to say I need a cup of coffee a day. So, for me, red espresso brewed to take the place of espresso joins that list of stuff that doesn't hit my taste buds well, such as Postum, lite mayonnaise, Diet Coke, NutraSweet, Lactaid Milk, nonalcoholic beer, and "yogurt" made from tofu.

Distaff Vote

My wife tried it, too. She drinks espresso and does not like tea unless it's iced. As iced tea, she liked red espresso fine. But she raised a question I was silently thinking: Why wouldn't people who don't drink coffee, and prefer tea, simply have a cup of tea brewed the conventional way?

Oddly, red espresso earned Best New Product in the specialty beverage category at the Coffee Association of America's Conference & Exhibition last May. That's a little like New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning getting voted Most Valuable Player by Major League Baseball.

One reason tea drinkers might like red espresso—an idea mentioned to me by the company and spelled out on a PowerPoint presentation somewhere, I presume—is that red espresso enables tea drinkers to partake more of the café culture. Call me crazy, but I don't think tea drinkers at Starbuck's (SBUX) sitting with coffee drinkers are experiencing an inferiority complex. Do they feel they need to sit at another table from their friends?

Not So Addictive

The Web site, www.redespresso.com, says that inventor Carl Pretorius was moved to develop the brew when he became "addicted" to six shots of espresso a day. Oprah Winfrey's O Magazine wrote that it was a hit with the magazine's staff. The price of red espresso is $12.99 for an 8.8 ounce pouch, or $25.99 for a 2.2 lb. package.

But let's take another step back and examine red espresso for what it is: good tea. I took the leftover tea in the espresso pot and made iced tea. It was terrific. I then mixed it with ice and water and tossed in an ounce of apple juice. Also very nice. In another glass, I added muddled mint leaves to both the iced tea and the apple tea. Superb. Now we're on to something, I thought.

Red espresso is now on my shelf with the dozen or so boxes of tea I keep (along with glass jars of tea botanicals from my own garden). One of the tins on my shelf is, in fact, Rooibos tea, much like red espresso. Pretorius' whole point, it seems to me, is to get the product off the crowded tea shelf and make me think of it as an alternative to just one other product in my pantry—espresso coffee.

That's not happening. For the remainder of the summer, though, when I have guests, I'll ask if anyone wants to try red espresso. That is, unless I blow through the two big pouches the company sent me making pitchers of delicious iced tea first.

Kiley is a senior correspondent in BusinessWeek's Detroit bureau.

2008年7月27日 星期日


張壽平 安縵室詩詞 台北:正因文化出版社 1996

人間有味休縱酒 舌上回甘要覓查茶 一試武夷濃更好 愛他新葉水三加茶味
茶具紛紜須是陶 南青北白出前朝 烏龍最宜宜興紫 為飲綠茶買定窯茶具
*為上 海倡導茶文化作

Drinking Tea With Jam and Bread at Salzburg, Austria

EuroVox | 28.07.2008 | 05:30

Drinking Tea With Jam and Bread at the "Sound of Music" Hotel

Do you remember the singing von Trapp family that inspired the Academy Award winning 1965 film ‘The Sound of Music’? Thousands of tourists from the United States, Japan and China certainly do.

The movie was filmed in Salzburg, Austria, which is also where the real von Trapp family lived. It's estimated nearly half of all tourists who visit the city do so because of the film - and more often than not, the tourists also take part in sing-a-long tours that visit the former von Trapp family home. The home is now being converted into a hotel - but not everyone is singing its praises - especially Salzburg locals.

Report: Alexander Musik / Eric Heath

2008年7月25日 星期五





 東京都港区の「カフェ・デ・プレ広尾」=写真=の店頭には、オレンジ色の水筒のイラストとともに「給茶スポット」と書かれたステッカーが張られて いる。“マイボトル”を持ち込むと、ブレンドコーヒーが400ミリ・リットルで500円と通常の半額ほどになる。会社員や子供連れの母親らの利用が多いと いう。支配人の萩原康宏さん(39)は「カフェのコーヒーは缶とは全然味が違う。水筒を持ち歩く習慣が浸透すれば、環境にも貢献できる」と話す。


2006年7月3日 読売新聞)

2008年7月21日 星期一

camomile tea


The Science of Meditation

Meditation is a bit like camomile tea – simply good for everything. And
if it doesn’t help, it certainly can’t hurt. This at least is the
impression from mainstream media where stories about the benefits of
mind-body-techniques have become a regular staple.

The DW-WORLD Article


IN BRIEF: n. - Eurasian plant apple-scented foliage and white-rayed flowers and feathery leaves used medicinally.【植】甘菊;春黃菊屬植物

2008年7月11日 星期五


屬於山茶科的常綠灌木,又名紅梅、海紅、山茶花、山茶梅、耐冬花。茶梅和山茶花很像,但茶梅的花期較早,秋末即開花,其花朵平開,花瓣片片掉落,而山茶花是整朵掉落, ...

开放分类: 植物茶文化山茶

【学名】Camellia sasanpua









  茶梅可用扦插、嫁接、压条和播种等方法繁殖,一般多用扦插繁殖。扦插在5月进行,插穗选用5年以上母株上的健壮枝,基部带睡,剪去下部多余的叶片,保 留2- 3片叶即可。也可切取单芽短穗作插穗,随剪随插。插床要遮荫,约经20一30天可生根,早晚逐步透光。幼苗第二年可移植或上盆。

它是一種鹼性食品,可中和魚肉、澱粉等酸性食品,常吃可保身體健康。 ...
糖精及防腐劑,醃漬期間以烏龍茶反覆3-4 次醃漬並加重茶葉用量,讓茶葉香味自然 ...

2008年7月3日 星期四


Record China
2008年7月1日、北京オリンピック公式スポンサーであるビ ザ(VISA)・インターナショナルの調査によると、オリ ンピック会期中に中国訪問を予定する観光客は、土産や 記念品として、第1に中国、工芸品、衣料品の購 入を希望していることが分かった。中国新聞社が伝えた 。 ...

2008年7月1日 星期二

asahi 黒茶(くろちゃ)青茶(あおちゃ)

アサヒ飲料、色で愉しむ中国第2弾「アサヒ 青(あおちゃ) PET490ml」を発売
マイライフ手帳@ニュース (プレスリリース)
アサヒ飲料は、色で愉しむ中国、第1弾「アサヒ 黒(くろちゃ)」(今年1月発売)につづく、第2 弾として「アサヒ 青(あおちゃ) PET490ml」を、7月8日から発売する。 アサヒ飲料では、今年1月に、緑茶を熟成発酵させた黒(プーアル)を使用した中国 ...

Paiyu cha tea


出版:馬可孛羅 2008 / 05

此 書描寫一位落難登山客,在巴基斯坦山區的一個偏僻小村、被善良的村民照顧與感動的故事;但故事的高潮在於主角給這小村的承諾:一定會回來為他們的 孩子辦學校。其實這是作者之一、美國中亞協會會長摩頓森的真實體驗,在書中也呈現了他實現承諾的過程;包含他如何在打字機上一字一句的築起這件美事,又如 何在回到巴基斯坦時因帶入的物資而受到覬覦及阻礙。

Central Asia Institute » Book Review: ‘Three Cups of Tea’ will ...
(Just the aroma of Paiyu cha tea “is stinkier than the most frightening cheese
the French ever invented.”)

In the introduction to the book, Relin says, “The accounts I’d heard about Mortenson’s adventures building schools for girls in the remote mountain regions of Pakistan sounded too dramatic to believe before I left home.

The story I found, with ibex hunters in the high valleys of the Karakoram, in nomad settlements at the wild edge of Afghanistan, around conference tables with Pakistan’s military elite, and over endless cups of paiyu cha in tea-rooms so smoky I had to squint to see my notebook, was even more remarkable than I’d imagined.”