2013年1月26日 星期六

Having Your Coffee and Enjoying It Too/Learning to Create the Perfect Cup of Coffee





Jim Wilson/The New York Times

特里斯坦·瓦拉赫(Tristan Walach)的脖子上有一道文身,是拉斯維加斯那個著名的歡迎標誌。人們一般叫他“蟻子”(Ant)。他是專業教人做咖啡的。
“沖咖啡能有多難?這是我們一直在面對的一種態度,”美國精品咖啡協會(Specialty Coffee Association of America)專業發展部總監艾莉·馬圖斯扎克(Ellie Matuszak)說。該協會是一個有數千名成員的行業組織,旗下還有一個日漸壯大的咖啡師協會,擁有1200名成員。
不過首先,我們要看蟻子做幻燈片展示,關於最好的咖啡豆產自哪裡,還有它是如何挑選的。有一段幻燈片的標題是“發源地的故事”(Origin Myth)。那是一個埃塞俄比亞牧羊人發現了咖啡繼而將之推廣的民間故事。
然後蟻子開始教我用“La Marzocco Linea” 全自動咖啡機,這是一款價值在8000到10000美元之間的特濃咖啡機(真正昂貴的“La Marzocco Strada”和“Slayer”變壓萃取機在樓下,供真正的咖啡師使用)。在它左邊是一台1500美元的“Mazzer Major”磨豆機,上面有個按鍵。我的工作是按一下那個鍵,準確配出19.5克的咖啡粉到過濾器中。
我還有第二次機會。我告訴蟻子,我準備在“神韻”跟克里斯·巴卡(Chris Baca)再學學,那是聖克魯斯的一家烘焙工場兼咖啡廳。他眼睛一下就亮了。“他棒極了!我跟他一起培訓過。”他說。
32歲的巴卡曾打算當一名中學歷史教師。不過他大學時退學了,在莫德斯托的一家咖啡廳找了份工作。他漸漸愛上了咖啡,並且搬到舊金山為一家叫“典 禮”(Ritual)的時髦咖啡廳工作,然後在2006年開始參加比賽。2010年,他在美國咖啡師錦標賽(United States Barista Championship)的50名參賽者中奪得第二名。在自由自選項目中,他做了一杯以櫻桃加柑橘做配頭的英式奶油特濃咖啡。
“我知道,這一切看着像《人狗對對碰》(Best in Show),”“神韻”咖啡廳的老闆賴恩·奧多諾萬(Ryan O’Donovan)說起一部關於狗展表演的假紀錄片電影,“它顯得很荒謬,我們在試着讓它不那麼荒謬。”
巴卡在“神韻”做培訓總監,這裡辟出1500平方英尺的地方用作培訓基地。這是這家咖啡廳所認為的咖啡運動“第三波”的一部分——第一波是營火咖啡 (campfire coffee)和滴濾咖啡(drip coffee),第二波是星巴克的革命,然後便掀起了認識咖啡豐富性的風氣。奧多諾萬說,培訓是“我們工作的核心”。
巴卡讓我把我平常喝的品牌咖啡豆帶過來,並且用它來做一杯。結果並不好喝。這是第一課:咖啡豆很重要。包裝上寫着“公平貿易”(fair trade)或者“原產地烘焙”(locally roasted)並不等於挑選出了上好的咖啡豆並且經過細緻的烘焙。我們把我那包13美元一磅的咖啡豆扔進了垃圾桶。然後巴卡開始上數學課。
好的特濃咖啡,或者說任何好咖啡,精髓就在於三個數據:高品質干咖啡豆的使用量,水分滲透的時間和最終做出來的咖啡量。當這三者的比例恰當的時候, 這個加工過程就能帶出最好的風味。如果錯了,香味要麼帶不出來,要麼就被沖淡了。我漸漸明白,在秒數和克數上的錯誤,就是美味和糟糕的咖啡之間的區別。
他向我示範怎樣用奶泡畫畫:把細頸瓶放在離杯麵6英寸高的位置,均勻倒出中等流量的咖啡,等杯子半滿的時候,讓瓶口緩緩靠近杯子。當杯子快要滿的時 候,再快速扭動你的手,讓泡沫開出形狀,最後輕輕揮動一下,在牛奶的圖案中間劃一道線。在試了幾次之後,我能夠做出某種看着像是松樹的東西,雖然我本想畫 的是心形。


Learning to Create the Perfect Cup of Coffee

TRISTAN WALACH has a tattoo of the famous Las Vegas welcome sign on his neck. He goes by the name Ant. He teaches people how to make coffee, professionally.I have come to learn from him.
“People like you are the best to train,” he says, sizing me up. “You don’t have bad habits or preconceived notions. You’re a blank slate.”
We’re at Sightglass, a cafe near downtown San Francisco with a huge coffee roaster near the front door. But Ant and I are tucked away upstairs, cordoned behind a chain and a sign: “Training in Session.”
Such training centers are increasingly common, and not just at cafes: there are certification classes for baristas and even Camp Pull A-Shot, a four-day, three-night event. And there are also a growing number of regional and national “throwdowns” to find the most technically proficient, graceful makers of the best-tasting coffee drinks.
Am I skeptical? Well, making coffee, even espresso, roughly entails pouring or pushing water through coffee. Sometimes by flicking a switch or pushing a button. Sure, Ant, you can up my coffee game, and then I’ll spend three days at Camp Let’s Make Oatmeal.
And, hey, I’m not precisely a blank slate. Without any training, I brew a very solid morning latte. And it’s superior to Starbucks, I brag to my wife, using only a $100 espresso maker and beans from a local cafe.
“How hard can coffee be? It’s an attitude we’re constantly encountering,” noted Ellie Matuszak, director of professional development for the Specialty Coffee Association of America, a trade group with thousands of company members and 1,200 people in its growing Barista Guild.
Ant, 34, whose title is director of education, says coffee requires a deft touch. “It’s the most complicated beverage we consume,” he said.
The training center at Sightglass includes a counter with several grinders, an industrial-strength espresso machine, a scale, coffee tampers and other paraphernalia. On a nearby island of reclaimed blond wood are 10 handleless cups, organized in five pairs, each half full of light-brown beans.
But first, we are going to watch Ant’s PowerPoint presentation about where the best beans come from and how they are picked. There is also a slide titled “The Origin Myth.” It’s folklore, a big-bang theory of the discovery of coffee by a goat herder in Ethiopia.
Then it’s time to commence cupping.
This entails smelling the contents of the white cups — beans from Kenya, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, El Salvador and Guatemala. I cannot detect much difference.
Ant then introduces me to the La Marzocco Linea, an espresso maker that runs $8,000 to $10,000. (The really expensive machines, the La Marzocco Strada and the Slayer, are downstairs for the actual baristas.) To its left is a $1,500 Mazzer Major grinder. On top is a button. My job is to push that button, dispensing precisely 19.5 grams of coffee into the filter.
I’m supposed to give the coffee a little sift to even it out, then pack it down with the tamper. Ant shows me how to create about 35 pounds of pressure, a give-or-take amount achieved by bending my knees for leverage and pushing on the tamper until the coffee pushes back.
This step is crucial, Ant says, because otherwise water flows unevenly through the coffee, creating unwanted channels. I press another button, to run the water through the coffee. We press a timer to make sure I leave the water flowing for 25 seconds. Brown and tan espresso flows into the demitasse, which Ant calls the “vessel.”
Ant sips. “It’s not terribly offensive.”
I sip. It is, actually, terribly offensive. Sour and bitter. Ant makes a cup using the same steps. It has a hint of sweetness, just shy of floral, no aftertaste. I make another. Just as bad as my first. Maybe I need milk.
Ant explains how to steam the milk. In brief: position the steam wand just below the milk’s surface until the milk swirls in a circular motion and puffs up as it absorbs the steam, then drop the wand lower until the milk reaches 135 degrees, as verified by a thermometer. There’s a sweet spot between milk and temperature, the point at which the sugars cook and the milk becomes sweeter, but before the sugars burn.
I try a few times. I make water-thin milk, poured over bitter shots. Finally, I get the milk consistency right, like wet paint. I try a little latte art. It looks like mating amoebas.
Ant offers wisdom: “The difference between a good barista and a great one is the great barista has the courage to toss a shot.” We toss my amoebas in the sink.
I have a second chance coming. I tell Ant that I’m getting more training with Chris Baca at Verve, a cafe and roaster in Santa Cruz. His eyes light up. “He’s great! I trained with him,” he says.
But first, I try to put some of my training to work at home the next morning. I throw out the first three shots. Something is wrong. I was making excellent espresso just the day before. I have actually gotten worse.
MR. BACA, 32, planned to be a high school history teacher. But he dropped out of college and took a job at a cafe in Modesto. He developed a love affair with coffee, moved to San Francisco to work for a trendy cafe called Ritual, then started competing in 2006. In 2010, he finished second out of 50 competitors in the United States Barista Championship. In the freestyle competition, he made a crème anglaise espresso drink, cherry infused with a citrus garnish.
“I know, this all seems like ‘Best in Show,’ ” says Ryan O’Donovan, an owner of Verve, referring to the faux documentary about dog shows. “It seems ridiculous. We’re trying to make it less ridiculous.”
Verve, where Mr. Baca is director of education, devotes 1,500 square feet to training. It’s part of what the cafe considers the “third wave” of the coffee movement — the first being campfire and drip coffee, the second the Starbucks revolution and the next understanding and evoking the complexity of coffee. Training, Mr. O’Donovan says, “is the nucleus of what we do.”
I show Mr. Baca what I’ve learned. He calls my first shot dry. He is being kind.
Mr. Baca asked me to bring my usual brand of coffee and makes a shot with it. It is not good. Lesson No. 1: coffee matters. Just because the bag says “fair trade” or “locally roasted” does not mean the highest-grade beans have been selected and put through meticulous roasting. We toss my $13-a-pound coffee in the trash. Then Mr. Baca provides a math lesson.
The essence of good espresso, of good coffee in general, revolves around three numbers: the amount of quality dry coffee used, the amount of time water flows through it and the amount of coffee that comes out the other end. When the ratio is right, the process extracts the best flavor. If it is wrong, the good flavor never surfaces or is watered down. A mistake in seconds or grams, I am coming to learn, is the difference between something wonderful and awful.
Mr. Baca explains that you have to experiment to find just the right balance of these three elements for each coffee machine and coffee grind, and then replicate them. He has tested the machinery at Sightglass and determined that we want to use 17 grams of high-end coffee and run water for 25 seconds to yield about 30 grams of coffee.
Again, this seems simple, given that the grinder is preset to deliver the grams I want, and I can verify using the scale. All I have to do is press buttons. My first shot tastes foul. But Mr. Baca calls my second “bright and snappy.”
He shows me how to paint with steamed milk: hold the decanter six inches from the cup, pour a medium-sized stream at a constant rate and when the cup is half filled, lower the decanter close to the cup. When the cup is nearly full, wriggle your hand quickly to create a shape that will make the foam blossom out. Finish with a flourish by drawing a bit of milk through the middle of the design. After a few tries, I’m able to make something that looks like a pine tree, though I was aiming for a heart.
Great, I am improving. But this is impractical. I buy my coffee preground. I don’t own a scale.
“A $10 scale is the best investment you can make for your coffee game,” Mr. Baca says. And because coffee density and brewing time are so significant, he says, a grinder is not far behind. Some experts say grinding your beans fresh is the most important priority.
Reality check: I’m trying to make it through chaotic mornings at home with a clamoring family. Mr. O’Donovan is amused. Why, he asks, would I make espresso in the morning, let alone latte?
“I make drip coffee,” Mr. O’Donovan explains. Mr. Baca does, too. That’s because making a good espresso requires preparation and cleanup. Even when it all goes right, it takes time. Like making a good meal.
“Coffee isn’t just coffee,” Mr. O’Donovan says.
It’s “just like anything else,” Mr. Baca chimes in.
I instantly take his meaning: Coffee — what I assumed was just a simple, necessary thing to start my day — is something more than that. It may not require certification but it does require more attention than I realized.
With my cram session at an end, Mr. O’Donovan leaves me with a laugh and a warning: “You’re heading down the rabbit hole.”
In the ensuing days, I start using the timer on the microwave to make sure I’m pulling my espresso shots for 25 seconds. I troll the Internet for counsel on what might be a next-step espresso maker. But even with my old gear and a bit of leftover coffee from Sightglass, my shots have gotten discernibly better, and occasionally good.
I place an order for coffee from Verve. When two different roasts arrive and I make a show of my excitement, my wife rolls her eyes. She challenges whether I can even tell the difference between the new coffee and two other blends I used to swear by. So we do a blind smell test.
I nail it. My wife seems surprised; who is this new discerning creature? Just getting started, I tell her. Wait until you see what we can do with milk.







美國國家癌症研究所(National Cancer Institute)的流行病學家尼爾·弗里德曼(Neal Freedman)是這項研究的負責人,他說:“喝咖啡的人大可不必擔心,他們的健康風險基本等同於不喝咖啡的人。”


美國衛生研究院-美國退休者協會(NIH-AAPR)合作進行了這項飲食和健康研究,分析了來自402260位成年人參與者的數據,《新英格蘭醫學 雜誌》(The New England Journal of Medicine)在今年5月發表了研究報告。研究始於1995年,參與者的年齡介於50至71歲之間,並且都沒有患心臟疾病、癌症或中風。到了2008 年,其中52515位參與者已經去世。弗里德曼博士和他的合作者分析了參與者的死因與其在研究開始時自訴的喝咖啡量之間的關係。




即使是同種咖啡飲料,咖啡因的含量也變化很大。俄勒岡州立大學(Oregon State University)的簡·V·希格頓(Jane V. Higdon)和巴爾茲·弗雷(Balz Frei)在《食品科學與營養評論》(Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition)發表的論文中報告稱,研究人員分別在六天從同一家咖啡店購買同種類型的咖啡,結果一杯8盎司咖啡的咖啡因含量從130毫克至282毫 克不等。


但是,沖泡咖啡的方式不同,對健康的影響則會有所不同。眾所周知,咖啡豆中含有兩種重要的化學物質——咖啡醇(cafestol)和咖啡豆醇 (kahweol),它們能提高血液中膽固醇的含量,尤其是對動脈有害的低密度脂蛋白(LDL)膽固醇。用濾紙滴漏做出的咖啡能濾除這兩種化學物質,但是 用蒸汽加壓咖啡機、法式壓濾壺、以及滴濾壺做出來的咖啡中仍然存在這兩種化學物質。單份式咖啡機會內置濾紙,例如Keurig品牌的咖啡機。

儘管咖啡可導致血壓暫時上升,但是與以前的研究結果一致,這項新研究發現健康的參與者,如果常常喝咖啡的話,他們患心臟病的風險相對較低。最近的研 究揭示了咖啡的其它益處,包括降低罹患Ⅱ型糖尿病、肝臟疾病和帕金森氏症的風險。一些研究還發現喝咖啡的人,患抑鬱症、痴呆症和阿爾茨海默病的風險較低。



另外,請記住咖啡因是一種藥物。有些藥物,包括泰胃美(Tagamet)、大扶康(Diflucan)、蘭釋(Luvox)、脈序律 (Mexitil),還有雌激素和抗生素,如環丙沙星(Cipro)和左氧氟沙星(Levaquin),能夠干擾咖啡因的代謝,增強咖啡因的效用。


Having Your Coffee and Enjoying It Too



A disclaimer: I do not own stock in Starbucks nor, to my knowledge, in any other company that sells coffee or its accouterments. I last wrote about America's most popular beverage four years ago, and the latest and largest study to date supports that earlier assessment of coffee's health effects.
Although the new research, which involved more than 400,000 people in a 14-year observational study, still cannot prove cause and effect, the findings are consistent with other recent large studies.
The findings were widely reported, but here's the bottom line: When smoking and many other factors known to influence health and longevity were taken into account, coffee drinkers in the study were found to be living somewhat longer than abstainers. Further, the more coffee consumed each day - up to a point, at least - the greater the benefit to longevity.
The observed benefit of coffee drinking was not enormous - a death rate among coffee drinkers that was 10 percent to 15 percent lower than among abstainers. But the findings are certainly reassuring, and given how many Americans drink coffee, the numbers of lives affected may be quite large.
Updating the Evidence
In decades past, experts repeatedly warned that a coffee habit could harm health and shorten lives. And, indeed, the new study did find that when the data were adjusted only for age, the risk of death was greater among coffee drinkers.
But when the researchers took into account other health-related characteristics among the participants, like smoking, alcohol use, meat consumption, physical activity and body mass index, those who regularly drank coffee lived longer.
"Coffee drinkers shouldn't be worried," said Neal Freedman, an epidemiologist at the National Cancer Institute who directed the study. "Their risk is quite similar to that of nondrinkers."
美国国家癌症研究所(National Cancer Institute)的流行病学家尼尔·弗里德曼(Neal Freedman)是这项研究的负责人,他说:“喝咖啡的人大可不必担心,他们的健康风险基本等同于不喝咖啡的人。”
Coffee drinkers who were relatively healthy when the study began were less likely than nondrinkers to die of heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, diabetes, infections, injuries and accidents.
The study, published in May in The New England Journal of Medicine, examined data on 402,260 adults in the National Institutes of Health-AARP Diet and Health Study. They were ages 50 to 71 and free of heart disease, cancer and stroke when the study began in 1995. By 2008, 52,515 had died. Dr. Freedman and his co-authors examined why they died in relation to how much coffee they said they drank when the study began.
美国卫生研究院-美国退休者协会(NIH-AAPR)合作进行了这项饮 食和健康研究,分析了来自402260位成年人参与者的数据,《新英格兰医学杂志》(The New England Journal of Medicine)在今年5月发表了研究报告。研究始于1995年,参与者的年龄介于50至71岁之间,并且都没有患心脏疾病、癌症或中风。到了2008 年,其中52515位参与者已经去世。弗里德曼博士和他的合作者分析了参与者的死因与其在研究开始时自诉的喝咖啡量之间的关系。
The risk of death gradually dropped as the number of cups the participants drank increased to four or five. At six cups or more each day, there was a slight rise in death risk, compared with that at four or five cups. But the chances of death remained lower than among people who drank no coffee.
Reflecting practices of the mid-1990s, the researchers considered a cup of coffee to be 8 to 10 ounces. The gargantuan cups now often served would count as more than one cup, Dr. Freedman said. Several of these extra-large cups can cause restlessness, irritability, sleeplessness and anxiety (and might enable me to fly without an airplane).
Contrary to previous belief, at usual levels of consumption, coffee is not any more of a diuretic than the equivalent amount of water. Up to six cups a day can be counted toward one's recommended liquid intake.
Effects on Health
Coffee is a complex substance that contains more than 1,000 compounds that may affect health. Caffeine, a stimulant, is the most studied and sought after. The amounts in coffee can vary greatly, from about 70 milligrams in a shot of espresso to about 100 milligrams in eight ounces of brewed coffee.
But there can be wide variability in caffeine levels, even in similar beverages. As Jane V. Higdon and Balz Frei of Oregon State University reported in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, when the same type of coffee was purchased from the same store on six different days, the caffeine content varied from 130 milligrams to 282 milligrams in an eight-ounce cup.
即使是同种咖啡饮料,咖啡因的含量也变化很大。俄勒冈州立大学 (Oregon State University)的简·V·希格顿(Jane V. Higdon)和巴尔兹·弗雷(Balz Frei)在《食品科学与营养评论》(Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition)发表的论文中报告称,研究人员分别在六天从同一家咖啡店购买同种类型的咖啡,结果一杯8盎司咖啡的咖啡因含量从130毫克至282毫 克不等。
Nor is caffeine is the only compound in coffee important to health. In the new study, little or no difference was found in death rates among those who drank predominantly caffeinated coffee or decaffeinated coffee. Other substances - like antioxidants and polyphenols - probably also play a health-related role, the researchers noted.
Their findings should reassure people concerned about possible harm from substances long used to remove caffeine from coffee. Fear of these chemicals prompted many manufacturers to switch to the Swiss water method for removing caffeine.
But how coffee is brewed can make a health difference. Two prominent chemicals in coffee beans, cafestol and kahweol, are known to raise blood levels of cholesterol and especially artery-damaging LDL cholesterol. These substances are removed when coffee is prepared through a filter, but remain in espresso, French press and boiled coffee. Single-serving coffee pods, like those used in a Keurig, contain filters.
但是,冲泡咖啡的方式不同,对健康的影响则会有所不同。众所周知,咖啡 豆中含有两种重要的化学物质——咖啡醇(cafestol)和咖啡豆醇(kahweol),它们能提高血液中胆固醇的含量,尤其是对动脉有害的低密度脂蛋 白(LDL)胆固醇。用滤纸滴漏做出的咖啡能滤除这两种化学物质,但是用蒸汽加压咖啡机、法式压滤壶、以及滴滤壶做出来的咖啡中仍然存在这两种化学物质。 单份式咖啡机会内置滤纸,例如Keurig品牌的咖啡机。
Even though coffee can cause a temporary rise in blood pressure, the new study, like those before it, found the risk of heart disease to be lower among otherwise healthy coffee drinkers. Other benefits suggested by recent studies include a reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes, liver disease and Parkinson's disease. Some research has found a reduced risk of depression, dementia and Alzheimer's disease among coffee drinkers.
尽管咖啡可导致血压暂时上升,但是与以前的研究结果一致,这项新研究发 现健康的参与者,如果常常喝咖啡的话,他们患心脏病的风险相对较低。最近的研究揭示了咖啡的其它益处,包括降低罹患Ⅱ型糖尿病、肝脏疾病和帕金森氏症的风 险。一些研究还发现喝咖啡的人,患抑郁症、痴呆症和阿尔茨海默病的风险较低。
People who engage in strenuous physical activities can also benefit, but only if their coffee contains caffeine, which helps muscles use fatty acids for energy and blunts the effect of adenosine, extending the time before muscles fatigue. Post-exercise soreness is also reduced and recovery time shortened.
Whether coffee poses a risk to pregnant women remains controversial. A causal relationship between coffee consumption and miscarriage has not been demonstrated at caffeine intakes of less than 300 milligrams a day, but some studies have found increased risk of low birth weight associated with consuming more than 150 milligrams a day.
Keep in mind, too, that caffeine is a drug. Some medications, including Tagamet, Diflucan, Luvox, Mexitil, estrogens and antibiotics like Cipro and Levaquin, interfere with the metabolism of caffeine and can increase its effects.
另外,请记住咖啡因是一种药物。有些药物,包括泰胃美 (Tagamet)、大扶康(Diflucan)、兰释(Luvox)、脉序律(Mexitil),还有雌激素和抗生素,如环丙沙星(Cipro)和左氧 氟沙星(Levaquin),能够干扰咖啡因的代谢,增强咖啡因的效用。
In other cases, caffeine can enhance the effect of drugs like aspirin and acetaminophen (a benefit for pain relief). Caffeine can be toxic if used with prescribed doses of the antipsychotic medication clozapine.
