2025年1月15日 星期三

將茶包短暫浸泡在室溫水中,然後在沖泡前倒掉水,可以幫助減少茶中的微塑膠 Microplastics


她說:“微塑膠對於科學領域來說還是一個新事物。” “我們目前了解的還不夠多。”








If you’re concerned about the risk of microplastics in tea bags, experts offered several ways to reduce your exposure.

Choose the right tea. Drinking loose-leaf tea is probably the best way to limit your exposure to microplastics. And while paper tea bags aren’t guaranteed to be plastic free, Dr. Hampson said, they’re probably a safer bet than plastic.

Consider a pre-wash. There’s some research suggesting that briefly soaking your tea bag in room temperature water, then discarding that water before brewing, can help reduce the microplastics in your tea, Dr. Hampson said. Rinsing the bag under running water might help remove some plastics, too, Dr. Wiesner said. Just be aware that this method might extract some of the flavor from your tea.

Avoid reheating your tea bag. When tea turns cold, it’s tempting to warm up your mug in the microwave or add more hot water to it. But if you do so with the tea bag still present, it could potentially release even more microplastics, Dr. Wiesner warned. If you need a warm-up, he suggested removing the tea bag first.

Try not to sweat it. If worrying about microplastics in tea is causing stress, think about other, easier ways to reduce your exposure, Dr. Li said. You might replace plastic cutting boards with wooden ones, or plastic food storage containers with glass versions.

“You shouldn’t over-worry about how many particles you’re drinking,” Dr. Li said, “especially if tea makes you happy.”

2024年12月5日 星期四

David Hsu送日月潭紅茶20241205。 Joel 紅茶。 或許廣告


印度作為紅茶的主要生產及消費國,其東北部的大吉嶺與阿薩姆地區是代表性產地。以北印度為指標的拍賣價格在2024年9月下旬達到每公斤約260印度盧比,較4月開始的價格上升約30%。今年的價格上漲主要由異常天氣引起,當地3至5月的「春茶」(First Flush)與5至7月的「夏茶」(Second Flush)受到了旱災與洪水的雙重打擊。此外,茶葉病害的蔓延也是造成減產的因素之一。這些病害菌在高溫陽光下會死亡,但在6至9月的季風期很難根除,加上部分農藥因出口規定無法使用,導致病害無法有效控制。






一杯紅茶=6顆蘋果!瑞典研究發現驚人功效/2019-01-21 ~   





                                                                                                   ▲ 研究指出,喝一杯紅茶等於吃六顆蘋果,兩杯紅茶含有與20杯蘋果汁等量的抗氧化成分。而且與綠茶或烏龍茶相比,紅茶含有的單寧酸特別多,單寧酸是一種會產生苦味的多酚類,可分解三酸甘油酯,並降低膽固醇和血糖值。    



2024年11月19日 星期二

台灣茶稱霸倫敦!在「The Leafies」國際茶葉大賽中大放異彩!


🌍 台灣茶稱霸倫敦!在「The Leafies」國際茶葉大賽中大放異彩!👏
Tea from Taiwan excelled against competitors from around the world at "The Leafies" international tea awards announced in London on Nov. 6, winning more accolades than any other country. The Leafies is an annual tea award co-organized by London's prestigious Fortnum & Mason department store and the UK Tea Academy (UKTA).
台灣茶葉在11月6日於倫敦舉行的「The Leafies」國際茶葉大獎中大放異彩,獲獎數量超越其他國家,驕傲登頂!🌍✨「The Leafies」由知名百貨Fortnum & Mason和英國茶學院主辦,每年表彰全球最佳茶葉,這次台灣茶葉再度證明了非凡的品質與風味!🍃🥇
可能是‎泡茶器和‎顯示的文字是「 ‎FOCUSTAIWAN FOCUS TAIWAN CNA CNAENGLISHN ENGLISH NEWS LEAFIES I a 및 ン ل र ー AE N x ン 1 ت Taiwan's Golden Dew tea from Hualien County wins the highly sought-after "Best in Black" award. Photo courtesy of Lu Yu Tea Garden‎ 」‎‎ 的圖像

2024年4月18日 星期四

cup o’ joe. one's cup of tea. Ancient Japanese ceremony gives new meaning to a cup of tea

 one's cup of tea. Ancient Japanese ceremony gives new meaning to a cup of tea

Elegance and flavor breathe new life into a traditional Japanese drink.
TOKYO -- What do the words "Japanese green tea" call to mind? The tea ceremony, with its elaborate rules for serving and sipping, perhaps? Or the bott

one's cup of tea 
in British
one's chosen or preferred thing, task, company, etc
she's not my cup of tea


How to be Mindful With a Cup of Coffee

Take a mindful moment with your morning cup o’ joe.

cup of joe

Alternative forms[edit]


Of uncertain origin.
  • Possibly a shortening of "cup of jamoke", from java + mocha: this origin was given in a military officer's manual from 1931, around when the term first appeared.[1]
  • Alternatively, perhaps a use of joe ‎(fellow, guy), signifying that coffee was the drink of the common man.
  • Another theory suggests that US soldiers in World War I (1914-1918) referred to a serving of instant coffee made by the G. Washington Coffee Refining Company (founded in 1910) as a "cup of George", and that the common abbreviation of the name "George" ("Geo.") was then read as "Joe".[2]
  • Another theory derives the term from Josephus Daniels (1862-1948), the Secretary of the U.S. Navy who abolished the officers' wine mess and thus made coffee the strongest drink available on ships. Snopes considers this is unlikely because it says there is no attestation of the phrase "cup of joe" until 1930, 16 years after the 1914 order banning the wine mess.[3] Confusingly, some other sources consider the Daniels derivation unlikely for the opposite reason: they say "cup of joe" predates the order.[4][5]
A cup of coffee.


cup of joe ‎(plural cups of joe)
  1. (chiefly US, idiomatic) A cup of coffee [quotations ▼]
  2. (figuratively) One’s personal preference.


one's cup of tea. Ancient Japanese ceremony gives new meaning to a cup of tea

 one's cup of tea. Ancient Japanese ceremony gives new meaning to a cup of tea

Elegance and flavor breathe new life into a traditional Japanese drink.
TOKYO -- What do the words "Japanese green tea" call to mind? The tea ceremony, with its elaborate rules for serving and sipping, perhaps? Or the bott

one's cup of tea 
in British
one's chosen or preferred thing, task, company, etc
she's not my cup of tea